Tag: Campaigned

Peter Bone: PM has confidence in minister who campaigned with suspended MP

Peter Bone: PM has confidence in minister who campaigned with suspended MP

Asked whether Rishi Sunak still had confidence in Mr Pursglove, who is a minister in the department for work and pensions, the PM's spokesman said: "Y [...]
Trump Officials Illegally Campaigned While in Office, Watchdog Finds

Trump Officials Illegally Campaigned While in Office, Watchdog Finds

WASHINGTON — Thirteen of President Donald J. Trump’s most senior aides — including his son-in-law and his chief of staff — campaigned illegally for [...]
Biden Campaigned as the Anti-Trump. But a Clean Break Is Never Easy.

Biden Campaigned as the Anti-Trump. But a Clean Break Is Never Easy.

WASHINGTON — President Biden has been so eager to move past the Trump era that he prefers to call his predecessor “the former guy” rather than utte [...]
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