Tag: Centrists

Centrists parties look to have won government in Poland

Centrists parties look to have won government in Poland

Polish exit polls are indicating a victory for liberal/centre-right parties over the hard right. If official results confirm it'll be encouraging ne [...]
Democratic Centrists Lament Missed Opportunities to Keep the House

Democratic Centrists Lament Missed Opportunities to Keep the House

After an election this close, Democrats are debating whether losing the majority was so inevitable after all. www.nytimes.com [...]
New Jersey Centrists Seek to Legalize Their Dream: The Moderate Party

New Jersey Centrists Seek to Legalize Their Dream: The Moderate Party

When Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, writing for the Supreme Court majority in a landmark 1997 case, rejected a minor party’s demand that it be al [...]
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