Tag: Clinton

1 3 4 5 6 7 75 / 96 POSTS
Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams accuse the Trump marketing campaign of encouraging voter intimidation.

Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams accuse the Trump marketing campaign of encouraging voter intimidation.

Commiserating over their slim defeats within the 2016 presidential election and the 2018 Georgia governor’s race, Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams [...]
Meet Theater’s Most Well-known Superfan: Hillary Clinton

Meet Theater’s Most Well-known Superfan: Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has lengthy liked theater — again within the day, she wore out a “Camelot” solid album and obtained standing room tickets to the un [...]
Did John Ratcliffe launch Russian disinformation on Clinton to assist Trump?

Did John Ratcliffe launch Russian disinformation on Clinton to assist Trump?

It positive seems to be just like the man who’s accountable for your complete US intelligence neighborhood is selectively declassifying unverifi [...]
In Politically Charged Inquiry, Durham Sought Particulars About Scrutiny of Clinton Basis

In Politically Charged Inquiry, Durham Sought Particulars About Scrutiny of Clinton Basis

WASHINGTON — From the start, John H. Durham’s inquiry into the Russia investigation has been politically charged. President Trump promoted it as su [...]
DNC 2020: The tragedy of Hillary Clinton

DNC 2020: The tragedy of Hillary Clinton

In one other world — a world the place the presidential candidate who wins probably the most votes wins the White Home — Hillary Clinton is maki [...]
Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris Converse of Ladies’s Vote Centennial at Democratic Conference

Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris Converse of Ladies’s Vote Centennial at Democratic Conference

It included black-and-white photographs from 1920 and pictures from 2017, after President Trump had taken workplace and girls marched in protest ca [...]
DNC Highlights: AOC, Jill Biden, Colin Powell, Invoice Clinton and Extra

DNC Highlights: AOC, Jill Biden, Colin Powell, Invoice Clinton and Extra

The surreal nature of the digital proceedings this week didn't fade on the second evening of the Democratic Nationwide Conference.However it turned [...]
What to Watch on DNC Night time 2: AOC, Invoice Clinton and Jill Biden

What to Watch on DNC Night time 2: AOC, Invoice Clinton and Jill Biden

[Audio system, begin time, schedule and extra: Right here’s the way to watch the Democratic Nationwide Conference.]Democrats on Tuesday night time [...]
For Invoice Clinton, a Probability to Handle a Occasion That Has Left Him Behind

For Invoice Clinton, a Probability to Handle a Occasion That Has Left Him Behind

Invoice Clinton was a prime-time star when Democrats gathered in 2012 to appoint President Barack Obama for a second time period, delivering a 48-m [...]
Hillary Clinton slams Trump response to coronavirus, withdrawal from WHO

Hillary Clinton slams Trump response to coronavirus, withdrawal from WHO

Former Secretary of State and Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.Getty PicturesWASHINGTON — Former Secretary of State and 2016 Democ [...]
Hillary Clinton Backs Eliot Engel, in Her First Home Major Endorsement of 2020

Hillary Clinton Backs Eliot Engel, in Her First Home Major Endorsement of 2020

Hillary Clinton delivered her first Democratic major endorsement in a 2020 Home race on Monday, throwing her help behind Consultant Eliot L. Engel [...]
Invoice Clinton and James Patterson Are Writing a Second Ebook Collectively

Invoice Clinton and James Patterson Are Writing a Second Ebook Collectively

Two years after writing their first novel collectively, the creator James Patterson and former President Invoice Clinton will work on a second one, [...]
Joe Biden city corridor: Hillary Clinton formally endorses Biden for president

Joe Biden city corridor: Hillary Clinton formally endorses Biden for president

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has formally endorsed Joe Biden for president. Clinton made the announcement Tuesday thro [...]
Hillary Clinton to Endorse Joe Biden

Hillary Clinton to Endorse Joe Biden

Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee and the particular person with probably the most expertise competing and debating in oppo [...]
Biden Leads Trump in Key States. However Hillary Clinton Led by Extra.

Biden Leads Trump in Key States. However Hillary Clinton Led by Extra.

Welcome to Ballot Watch, our weekly take a look at polling information and survey analysis on the candidates, voters and points that may form the 2 [...]
1 3 4 5 6 7 75 / 96 POSTS