Tag: coastal

Coastal areas need help to overturn inequalities, report says

Coastal areas need help to overturn inequalities, report says

Commenting on its findings, Sally-Ann Hart MP, chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Coastal Communities, said: "The additional challenges fa [...]
Billions in Climate Deal Funding Could Help Protect U.S. Coastal Cities

Billions in Climate Deal Funding Could Help Protect U.S. Coastal Cities

Communities across the country hope to tap into funds from Democrats’ new climate law to restore coastal habitats, part of a program that emphasizes n [...]
Covid: Plan unveiled to 'spruce up' coastal areas and excessive streets

Covid: Plan unveiled to 'spruce up' coastal areas and excessive streets

Ministers hope extra cash and easing of guidelines will assist areas reopen safely as lockdown eases. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
‘Unsurvivable’: Coastal residents urged to flee forward of Hurricane Laura

‘Unsurvivable’: Coastal residents urged to flee forward of Hurricane Laura

Winds have been anticipated to achieve 150 mph earlier than landfall, and forecasters stated as much as 15 inches of rain may fall in some locatio [...]
Venice’s floods are ‘canary in a coal mine’ for coastal cities

Venice’s floods are ‘canary in a coal mine’ for coastal cities

A common view reveals folks strolling throughout the flooded St. Mark's Sq., by St. Mark's Basilica on November 15, 2019 in Venice, two days after [...]
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