Tag: Collides

Ether Bears Hit a Brick Wall as Price Collides With Bull-Market Trendline: Technical Analysis

Ether Bears Hit a Brick Wall as Price Collides With Bull-Market Trendline: Technical Analysis

The bears' inability to penetrate that bull-market trendline since Monday suggests they might have to back up a bit and allow a price bounce before ma [...]
RBA’s Firm Stance Collides with Troubling Inflation Expectations

RBA’s Firm Stance Collides with Troubling Inflation Expectations

Australian Dollar (AUD/USD) AnalysisRBA keeps rates unchanged, surprising marketsInflation proves stubborn, with elevated levels expected until 2025AU [...]
RFK Jr.’s Ad Collides With Decades-Long Kennedy Family Legacy

RFK Jr.’s Ad Collides With Decades-Long Kennedy Family Legacy

A Super Bowl commercial that echoed a 1960 campaign ad for John F. Kennedy deepens a growing estrangement between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and much of hi [...]
Trump’s Claim of ‘Absolute Immunity’ Collides With Supreme Court Precedents

Trump’s Claim of ‘Absolute Immunity’ Collides With Supreme Court Precedents

The former president says he has “absolute immunity.” But an array of Supreme Court decisions tells a different story. www.nytimes.com [...]
Chris Mason: Free speech collides with Johnson committee doing its job

Chris Mason: Free speech collides with Johnson committee doing its job

Critics of the Privileges Committee believe MPs have the right to criticise, but others just want to move on. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Chris Mason: Sunak pledge to scrap EU laws collides with reality

Chris Mason: Sunak pledge to scrap EU laws collides with reality

The PM has U-turned on a campaign commitment to get rid of thousands of EU laws by the end of the year. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Chris Mason: New protest law collides with Coronation

Chris Mason: New protest law collides with Coronation

Ministers say they are committed to the legislation, which came into force days before the Coronation. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Fed Meets as Bank Chaos Collides With Inflation

Fed Meets as Bank Chaos Collides With Inflation

The Federal Reserve will decide whether and by how much to raise interest rates this week at a moment when its path ahead is newly fraught. www.nytim [...]
Nike and Hermès File Lawsuits for Trademark Infringement as Fashion Collides With NFTs

Nike and Hermès File Lawsuits for Trademark Infringement as Fashion Collides With NFTs

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but not when it comes to the increasingly lucrative market of digital collectibles, determining what [...]
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