Tag: Compensated

Ankr says no one should trade aBNBc, only LPs “caught off guard” will be compensated

Ankr says no one should trade aBNBc, only LPs “caught off guard” will be compensated

The company stated it would be discontinuing aBNBc and aBNBb tokens 'effective immediately,' and that "new ankrBNB tokens will be minted and airdropp [...]
DeFi Platform Kyber Says It Removed Attack Vector, Compensated Affected Wallet

DeFi Platform Kyber Says It Removed Attack Vector, Compensated Affected Wallet

Multichain decentralized finance (DeFi) platform Kyber said it removed the attack vector used in an exploit that saw $265,000 stolen on Sept. 1. www. [...]
Families Separated Under Trump Policy Could Get Compensated

Families Separated Under Trump Policy Could Get Compensated

Migrant families separated at the border by the Trump administration may be eligible to each receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensati [...]
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