Tag: Conclusions

FDA says two studies showing omicron boosters weren’t much better than old shots were too small to come to any conclusions

FDA says two studies showing omicron boosters weren’t much better than old shots were too small to come to any conclusions

The Food and Drug Administration said two studies this week showing that the new omicron boosters weren't that much better than the old shots were too [...]
Covid: PM warns towards ‘untimely conclusions’ as circumstances fall

Covid: PM warns towards ‘untimely conclusions’ as circumstances fall

Prof Ferguson, a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), informed BBC Radio 4's Immediately programme it was "too early to [...]
Race report: UN consultants say conclusions might 'gasoline racism'

Race report: UN consultants say conclusions might 'gasoline racism'

Human rights consultants inside the United Nations say the report was "an try and normalise white supremacy". www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Labour sees draft conclusions of anti-Semitism report

Labour sees draft conclusions of anti-Semitism report

Labour says it has acquired the draft findings of the equality watchdog's report i [...]
What Are the Important Crypto Conclusions of 2019

What Are the Important Crypto Conclusions of 2019

At the start of this 12 months, I predicted three main themes in cryptocurrency for 2019: Cryptocurrency could be embraced as “regtech& [...]
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