Tag: crops

1 2 3 30 / 32 POSTS
Rains in Argentina increase expectations for good soy, corn crops

Rains in Argentina increase expectations for good soy, corn crops

Showers on Argentina's Pampas grains belt in current weeks have helped make up for the dryness that parched soy and corn crops from the center of f [...]
UK Startup Places Haitian Farmers and Their Crops On the Blockchain

UK Startup Places Haitian Farmers and Their Crops On the Blockchain

A UK tech firm just lately introduced a blockchain ecosystem for farmers in Haiti, bringing readability to the availability chain whereas bolsteri [...]
China approves 2 genetically modified crops from U.S. for import, renews 10 others

China approves 2 genetically modified crops from U.S. for import, renews 10 others

BEIJING, Dec 30 (Reuters) - China authorised two new genetically modified (GM) crops for import on [...]
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