Tag: Dencun

1 228 / 28 POSTS
Ethereum Fees Set to Drop for Arbitrum, Polygon, Starknet, Base. But How Much?

Ethereum Fees Set to Drop for Arbitrum, Polygon, Starknet, Base. But How Much?

Leading figures behind layer-2 teams told CoinDesk how Ethereum's upcoming Dencun upgrade will affect their networks. www.coindesk.com [...]
The Dencun Upgrade Marks the Dawn of ‘The Surge’ Era”

The Dencun Upgrade Marks the Dawn of ‘The Surge’ Era”

As we look ahead, in addition to ether, other high beta names in Layer 2 are also poised to benefit from the Dencun upgrade. Layer 2 networks like Arb [...]
Ethereum Developers Target March 13 for Milestone 'Dencun' Upgrade on Mainnet

Ethereum Developers Target March 13 for Milestone 'Dencun' Upgrade on Mainnet

The timing for the long-awaited Dencun upgrade, with its much-touted "proto-danksharding" feature, was announced Thursday on a call with top developer [...]
Ethereum's Dencun Upgrade Reaches Final ‘Holesky’ Testnet, Starting Countdown to Data 'Blobs'

Ethereum's Dencun Upgrade Reaches Final ‘Holesky’ Testnet, Starting Countdown to Data 'Blobs'

The test simulated “proto-danksharding,” a technical feature aimed at reducing the cost of transactions for rollups as well as making data availabilit [...]
Ethereum's 'Dencun' Upgrade Goes Live on Second Testnet, With Just One Remaining

Ethereum's 'Dencun' Upgrade Goes Live on Second Testnet, With Just One Remaining

Next week, on Feb. 7, Dencun will go live on its final Ethereum testnet, Holesky. After that, developers will ink in a date to activate Dencun on the [...]
Ethereum Developers Set Timeline for Final ‘Dencun’ Testnet Upgrades

Ethereum Developers Set Timeline for Final ‘Dencun’ Testnet Upgrades

Developers will run through Dencun on the Sepolia and Holesky testnets on Jan. 30 and Feb. 7. www.coindesk.com [...]
MetaMask’s Secret Weapon and Ethereum’s Dencun Debacle

MetaMask’s Secret Weapon and Ethereum’s Dencun Debacle

MOORE IS MORE. Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, the de facto high priest of the world's largest smart-contracts blockchain, tossed out last week o [...]
Ethereum’s Dencun Upgrade Goes Live, Devs Wait for Finalization on Testnet

Ethereum’s Dencun Upgrade Goes Live, Devs Wait for Finalization on Testnet

The upgrade was pushed at 6:32 UTC, blockchain data shows, but did not reach consensus and was not finalized on the testnet. Developers expect the app [...]
Ethereum Approaching $2500 Ahead of Dencun Upgrade in Q1 of 2024 – FX Leaders

Ethereum Approaching $2500 Ahead of Dencun Upgrade in Q1 of 2024 – FX Leaders

Ethereum Approaching $2500 Ahead of Dencun Upgrade in Q1 of 2024  FX Leaders www.fxleaders.com [...]
Ethereum Developers Target Jan. 17 for Dencun Upgrade on Goerli Testnet

Ethereum Developers Target Jan. 17 for Dencun Upgrade on Goerli Testnet

Developers also discussed a draft timeline for the Dencun testing upgrade, aiming to run through another test network, Sepolia, on Jan. 31, the Holesk [...]
Ethereum’s Dencun Upgrade Will Increase Data Availability for Layer-2 Rollups : Goldman Sachs

Ethereum’s Dencun Upgrade Will Increase Data Availability for Layer-2 Rollups : Goldman Sachs

Proto-danksharding will also “serve to set the scaffolding for future scalability upgrades, including danksharding, as part of the blockchain’s ‘Surge [...]
Ethereum Developers Cement Final Lineup of Changes in ‘Dencun’ Upgrade

Ethereum Developers Cement Final Lineup of Changes in ‘Dencun’ Upgrade

Dencun includes simultaneous upgrades happening on the two sides of the blockchain. The “Cancun” upgrade will happen on the execution layer, where all [...]
Meet ‘Dencun.’ Ethereum Developers Are Already Planning Next Hard Fork

Meet ‘Dencun.’ Ethereum Developers Are Already Planning Next Hard Fork

Tim Beiko, the protocol support lead at the Ethereum Foundation, who conducts these bi-monthly meetings, opened the meeting with, “I'll assume that, b [...]
1 228 / 28 POSTS