Tag: Deus

Crypto Investment Firm Deus X Capital Launches With $1B in Assets

Crypto Investment Firm Deus X Capital Launches With $1B in Assets

Please note that our privacy policy, terms of use, cookies, and do not sell my personal information has been updated.The leader in news and informatio [...]
DEUS Finance loses $6M following stablecoin hack

DEUS Finance loses $6M following stablecoin hack

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocol DEUS has lost over $6 million due to a security breach on its stablecoin DEI. The hacker exploited a vulnerabili [...]
Deus Finance’s dollar-pegged stablecoin DEI falls below 60 cents

Deus Finance’s dollar-pegged stablecoin DEI falls below 60 cents

As the market continues to mourn over losses on the Terra UST and LUNA debacle, DEI, a stablecoin used as a collateral mechanism for third-party instr [...]
How Deus Finance Was Exploited for $13.4M on Fantom

How Deus Finance Was Exploited for $13.4M on Fantom

On the other end, liquidity pools, such as the USDC and DEI pool on Deus, rely on so-called oracles to ensure they are correctly priced at all times a [...]
Derivatives Platform Deus Finance Exploited for $3M on Fantom Network

Derivatives Platform Deus Finance Exploited for $3M on Fantom Network

Hackers manipulated a pricing mechanism to trick the protocol in a “flash loan” attack, the security firm said. www.coindesk.com [...]
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