Tag: Devs

1 2 3 4 5 6 60 / 89 POSTS
ETH devs implement first-ever ‘shadow fork’ as PoS testing continues

ETH devs implement first-ever ‘shadow fork’ as PoS testing continues

Ethereum developers implemented the network’s first-ever “shadow fork” on Monday, marking an important milestone in the ongoing shift to a proof-of-st [...]
NFTs, crypto mortgages, 5G network and Web3 devs raise millions

NFTs, crypto mortgages, 5G network and Web3 devs raise millions

The cryptocurrency market has failed to make significant headway in recent months, but that hasn’t stopped the industry’s builders from building. Nonf [...]
Venezuelan Devs Were Jailed for Hacking Exchange Tied to Controversial Petro. Blockchain Data Cleared Them

Venezuelan Devs Were Jailed for Hacking Exchange Tied to Controversial Petro. Blockchain Data Cleared Them

The Venezuelan court agreed to take a look at CipherBlade’s report. Based on the investigation’s findings, in January 2021, over a month after the dev [...]
BUIDLing Among the Chaos: What Devs Discussed at ETHDenver

BUIDLing Among the Chaos: What Devs Discussed at ETHDenver

High school students, Web 2 converts and crypto founders spent a week building the future of finance in a jam-packed venue. What comes next? www.coin [...]
Axie Infinity devs release governance token for Ronin Blockchain to mixed player response

Axie Infinity devs release governance token for Ronin Blockchain to mixed player response

On Thursday, Sky Mavis, the creator of the monster-battle game, Axie Infinity, released its much-anticipated RON governance token. The token is based [...]
More evidence game devs hate NFTs and crypto

More evidence game devs hate NFTs and crypto

A recent survey revealed that most game developers and their studios have no interest in developing or working with nonfungible tokens (NFTs) or crypt [...]
Ivan on Tech’s Crypto Company Pitches Metaverse Devs on Software Toolkit

Ivan on Tech’s Crypto Company Pitches Metaverse Devs on Software Toolkit

It’s a notable picks-and-shovels play as investors and developers pile into digital worlds. The immersive “metaverse” is 10 years out by Facebook’s [...]
Eth2 devs put out call to community to help test out the Merge

Eth2 devs put out call to community to help test out the Merge

Ethereum (ETH) developers have put out a call to the community to help test the long awaited Merge between the Ethereum Mainnet and the proof-of-st [...]
ZEC price jumps 20% in one day as Zcash devs unveil transition to Proof-of-Stake

ZEC price jumps 20% in one day as Zcash devs unveil transition to Proof-of-Stake

Zcash (ZEC) surged by nearly 20% in the past 24 hours, helped by the euphoria surrounding its core protocol's decisive transition from Proof-of-Wor [...]
Former Activision, Disney and Lucas Films devs reveal NFT-powered video game

Former Activision, Disney and Lucas Films devs reveal NFT-powered video game

Video game publisher MetalCore Foundation has unveiled a new open-world game that incorporates nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, into the gaming experie [...]
Avalanche creates $200 million fund to lure top crypto devs

Avalanche creates $200 million fund to lure top crypto devs

The Avalanche Foundation has unveiled “Blizzard” — a fund offering more than $200 million in incentives to developers who build on the Avalanche (A [...]
Ethereum Devs Reconsider ‘Difficulty Bomb’ Timing as Hard Forks Loom

Ethereum Devs Reconsider ‘Difficulty Bomb’ Timing as Hard Forks Loom

In light of the earlier-than-expected uptick, Conner drafted EIP 2384, the Istanbul/Berlin Difficulty Bomb Delay, included in EIP 2387. In a little [...]
$65m more COMP at risk as devs wait for time-locked bug fix

$65m more COMP at risk as devs wait for time-locked bug fix

Major DeFi money market Compound’s woes are worsening, with nearly $150 million worth of COMP now at risk due to a buggy upgrade to the protocol th [...]
ETH 2.0 moves closer to fruition as devs set Altair upgrade for October

ETH 2.0 moves closer to fruition as devs set Altair upgrade for October

The Ethereum network’s long-planned upgrade to a scalable, proof-of-stake consensus model grows closer as developers set a date for the Altair upgr [...]
Ethereum Traditional devs announce upcoming arduous fork

Ethereum Traditional devs announce upcoming arduous fork

On Monday, builders of the Ethereum Traditional (ETC) blockchain introduced a tough fork to implement the undertaking’s newest model, now scheduled [...]
1 2 3 4 5 6 60 / 89 POSTS