Tag: E.P.A

E.P.A. Orders Train Operator to Test for Dioxins in Ohio Derailment

E.P.A. Orders Train Operator to Test for Dioxins in Ohio Derailment

The order on Thursday evening came as officials from Norfolk Southern were expected at a public meeting in East Palestine, giving the community a chan [...]
E.P.A. Bans Disposal of Mine Waste in Bristol Bay, Blocking Pebble Mine Project

E.P.A. Bans Disposal of Mine Waste in Bristol Bay, Blocking Pebble Mine Project

The determination, made under the Clean Water Act, protects a valuable wild salmon fishery and quashes a proposed mine project in the area. www.nytim [...]
Depleted Under Trump, a ‘Traumatized’ E.P.A. Struggles With Its Mission

Depleted Under Trump, a ‘Traumatized’ E.P.A. Struggles With Its Mission

Despite an injection of funding, the agency still has not recovered from an exodus of scientists and policy experts, both insiders and critics say. w [...]
Ahead of Major Court Case, E.P.A. Revises Clean-Water Protections

Ahead of Major Court Case, E.P.A. Revises Clean-Water Protections

A new rule revives an older set of protections for rivers, marshes and waterways, setting aside changes in the Obama and Trump administrations that le [...]
E.P.A., Curbed by Supreme Court, Falls Back on a Piecemeal Plan for Climate Change

E.P.A., Curbed by Supreme Court, Falls Back on a Piecemeal Plan for Climate Change

WASHINGTON — Following the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling last week limiting the government’s ability to restrict the pollution that is causing globa [...]
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