Tag: earlystate

Tim Scott Is Turning Heads With Donors and Early-State Voters

Tim Scott Is Turning Heads With Donors and Early-State Voters

He is rising in the polls and turning heads in Iowa and New Hampshire, behind heavy spending on ads that play to voters’ appetite for a leader who is [...]
Stumping on July 4, Trump’s Rivals Pitch Themselves to Early-State Voters

Stumping on July 4, Trump’s Rivals Pitch Themselves to Early-State Voters

At a high school cafeteria in Merrimack, N.H., on Tuesday, where patriotic music blasted from the speakers and the lunch tables were decked in star-sp [...]
Trump courts early-state Republicans at Mar-a-Lago

Trump courts early-state Republicans at Mar-a-Lago

Trump’s team is moving to address some of the problems that arose during his disorganized — though ultimately successful — 2016 campaign, when his th [...]
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