Tag: Eugene

Eugene Vindman, Key Trump Whistle-Blower, Wins House Primary in Virginia

Eugene Vindman, Key Trump Whistle-Blower, Wins House Primary in Virginia

Yevgeny Vindman, who raised alarms about then-President Donald J. Trump’s conduct toward Ukraine, will stand for Abigail Spanberger’s seat in Congress [...]
Ukraine war: Oligarch Eugene Shvidler's jets held indefinitely

Ukraine war: Oligarch Eugene Shvidler's jets held indefinitely

The two planes belong to Eugene Shvidler, an associate of Roman Abramovich, the government says. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Is it protected to journey this summer season? Optimistic vacationers reserving now

Is it protected to journey this summer season? Optimistic vacationers reserving now

Fueled by Covid vaccines, versatile cancellation insurance policies and other people craving to interrupt free from dwelling, the summer season jou [...]
Movies Flip Eugene Goodman Right into a Reluctant Hero within the Capitol Assault

Movies Flip Eugene Goodman Right into a Reluctant Hero within the Capitol Assault

WASHINGTON — Among the many harrowing photographs offered throughout the impeachment trial of former President Donald J. Trump, one video stood out [...]
Eugene Goodman and different officers will obtain Congressional Gold Medal for his or her actions on Jan. 6.

Eugene Goodman and different officers will obtain Congressional Gold Medal for his or her actions on Jan. 6.

Among the many harrowing photos introduced throughout the impeachment trial of former President Donald J. Trump, one video stood out: a Capitol Pol [...]
Eugene Goodman, a US Capitol Police officer, escorted Kamala Harris on the 59th presidential inauguration

Eugene Goodman, a US Capitol Police officer, escorted Kamala Harris on the 59th presidential inauguration

What a distinction two weeks makes. On January 6, Eugene Goodman, a Capitol Police officer, exhibited bravery within the face of a mob of insurr [...]
Eugene Scalia’s spouse assessments constructive for coronavirus

Eugene Scalia’s spouse assessments constructive for coronavirus

Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia and his spouse Patricia depart after paying their respects to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the U.S. Supreme Cour [...]
‘It will imply lots’: Eugene Scalia applauds late father’s inclusion in Trump’s proposed statue backyard

‘It will imply lots’: Eugene Scalia applauds late father’s inclusion in Trump’s proposed statue backyard

The initiative represents one other response by the White Home to the removing, renaming or tearing down of symbols, websites and statues related [...]
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