Tag: Frankfurt

Frankfurt to Host New EU Money Laundering Watchdog Tasked With Monitoring Crypto

Frankfurt to Host New EU Money Laundering Watchdog Tasked With Monitoring Crypto

"We're mitigating risks linked to large sums of money with an EU-wide limit of 10,000 euros for cash payments. At the same time, we're addressing risk [...]
Robbert Booij to become CEO of Eurex Frankfurt AG

Robbert Booij to become CEO of Eurex Frankfurt AG

Robbert Booij will join the Executive Board of Eurex Frankfurt AG as of 1 May 2024 and will succeed Michael Peters as Chief Executive Of [...]
Frankfurt Stock Exchange includes crypto trading facility in strategy-2026

Frankfurt Stock Exchange includes crypto trading facility in strategy-2026

Deutsche Börse AG, the German stock exchange headquartered in Frankfurt, has included crypto in its strategic priorities for the next few years. Accor [...]
Frankfurt houses the largest city-wide network

Frankfurt houses the largest city-wide network

While the United States holds the biggest share in Bitcoin (BTC) hash rate contribution and ATM network, the city hosting the most number of reachable [...]
What are the best business hotels in Europe: London, Paris, Frankfurt

What are the best business hotels in Europe: London, Paris, Frankfurt

International travel may still have its challenges.But finding a solid hotel for a business trip isn't one of them.     CNBC Travel and the market dat [...]
Porsche shares rise in landmark Frankfurt debut

Porsche shares rise in landmark Frankfurt debut

Porsche shares rose in their stock market debut Thursday, in one of the biggest public offerings in Europe ever.Bloomberg | Getty ImagesPorsche shares [...]
Pilots describe toxic culture and airline errors

Pilots describe toxic culture and airline errors

The chaos engulfing many major airports in North America and Europe since summer began hasn't abated much, and news outlets and social media users con [...]
IOTA blockchain used to trace COVID-19 check outcomes at Frankfurt Airport

IOTA blockchain used to trace COVID-19 check outcomes at Frankfurt Airport

Early on within the pandemic, the heightened want for numerous biosurveillance measures sparked curiosity within the relevance of privacy-enhancing [...]
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