Tag: Geth

Coinbase Adds 2 Software Programs for Ethereum Staking, to Reduce Concentration Risks

Coinbase Adds 2 Software Programs for Ethereum Staking, to Reduce Concentration Risks

The publicly traded U.S. crypto exchange said it would add support for the additional Ethereum "clients" – computer programs used to access and run th [...]
Q&A With Ripple’s David Schwartz on XRPL Roadmap

Q&A With Ripple’s David Schwartz on XRPL Roadmap

ETHEREUM'S DIVERSITY PROBLEM. In the blockchain tech context, "client diversity" refers to the goal of having multiple software programs – known as "c [...]
Bug on Ethereum’s Nethermind Software Sparks Discussion of ‘Client Diversity’ Risks

Bug on Ethereum’s Nethermind Software Sparks Discussion of ‘Client Diversity’ Risks

It was a manageable incident, but the episode revived a long-simmering debate in the Ethereum ecosystem around the need for "client diversity." Some e [...]
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