Tag: Harris

1 14 15 16 17 18 240 / 258 POSTS
Black Girls Requested Their Get together for What They Needed. What Occurs After the Kamala Harris Decide?

Black Girls Requested Their Get together for What They Needed. What Occurs After the Kamala Harris Decide?

Halliestine Zimmerman, a 71-year-old retired accountant in Mauldin, S.C., has voted in each election since she was 18, having watched her mom work [...]
G.O.P.’s Uncooked Private Assaults on Kamala Harris

G.O.P.’s Uncooked Private Assaults on Kamala Harris

WASHINGTON — Opening an unsightly new chapter within the 2020 marketing campaign, President Trump and allies within the Republican Occasion and on [...]
Progressives Didn’t Need Harris for V.P. They’re Backing Her Anyway.

Progressives Didn’t Need Harris for V.P. They’re Backing Her Anyway.

Within the months since Mr. Sanders dropped out of the race, successfully making Mr. Biden the nominee and beginning the clock for the vice-preside [...]
Election: ‘She’s prepared to do that job on Day One’: Biden, Harris debut as operating mates

Election: ‘She’s prepared to do that job on Day One’: Biden, Harris debut as operating mates

Posted by: Market Watch in Market Information 14 minutes in the past Joe Biden and Kamala Harris got here out swinging at Donald Trump of th [...]
Listed here are 4 huge duties Biden and Harris face of their first look.

Listed here are 4 huge duties Biden and Harris face of their first look.

WILMINGTON, Del. — The Democratic ticket is lastly full. Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Kamala Harris, two Democrats from reverse coasts and totally diffe [...]
Rice praises Harris after veepstakes: ‘She’s going to make an incredible working mate’

Rice praises Harris after veepstakes: ‘She’s going to make an incredible working mate’

“I’m glad that I’m going to have the ability to help them and do my utmost to assist elect Biden-Harris, and assist them govern when the time come [...]
Kamala Harris Crystallizes Trump’s View of Girls

Kamala Harris Crystallizes Trump’s View of Girls

WASHINGTON — Within the hours since Senator Kamala Harris joined the Democratic presidential ticket, President Trump has responded by sorting ladie [...]
Election 2020: Why Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris

Election 2020: Why Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris

In 2016, Hillary Clinton tapped Tim Kaine to be her vice chairman. In 2008, Barack Obama selected Joe Biden. In 2004, John Kerry named John Edwa [...]
What the Harris Decide Means

What the Harris Decide Means

Deliver on the new takes, it’s lastly over: Kamala Harris is Joe Biden’s operating mate. It’s Wednesday, and that is your politics tip sheet. Join [...]
Kamala Harris as V.P. Choose Might Imply Extra Maya Rudolph on ‘S.N.L.’

Kamala Harris as V.P. Choose Might Imply Extra Maya Rudolph on ‘S.N.L.’

As a nation unpacks the political ripples of Kamala Harris’s choice on Tuesday because the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, no less than one s [...]
Kamala Harris, a Political Fighter Formed by Life In Two Worlds

Kamala Harris, a Political Fighter Formed by Life In Two Worlds

“I’m crying,” stated Amelia Ashley-Ward, a buddy and the writer of The Solar-Reporter, a publication aimed on the African-American group in San Fra [...]
In Kamala Harris, a Selection at As soon as Secure and Energizing

In Kamala Harris, a Selection at As soon as Secure and Energizing

WASHINGTON — In naming Kamala Harris as his operating mate, Joseph R. Biden Jr. made a groundbreaking choice, choosing a girl of shade to be vp and [...]
Kamala Harris is the selection Joe Biden wanted to win over Silicon Valley

Kamala Harris is the selection Joe Biden wanted to win over Silicon Valley

For months, Silicon Valley hasn’t been fairly positive what to make of Joe Biden. However Kamala Harris? That’s a candidate the trade can get be [...]
The Kamala Harris Decide: Geographic Steadiness Takes Again Seat to Gender, Race

The Kamala Harris Decide: Geographic Steadiness Takes Again Seat to Gender, Race

The number of Kamala Harris because the Democratic nominee for vp — a senator from maybe probably the most solidly Democratic state within the unio [...]
What to Know About Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s V.P. Alternative

What to Know About Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s V.P. Alternative

A part of her affect was ideological: She was the primary candidate, as an example, to counsel requiring federal preclearance for state abortion re [...]
1 14 15 16 17 18 240 / 258 POSTS