Tag: J.F.K

J.F.K. Assassination Witness Breaks His Silence and Raises New Questions

J.F.K. Assassination Witness Breaks His Silence and Raises New Questions

He still remembers the first gunshot. For an instant, standing on the running board of the motorcade car, he entertained the vain hope that maybe it w [...]
Caroline Kennedy Visits Solomon Islands Where J.F.K. Survived an Ordeal

Caroline Kennedy Visits Solomon Islands Where J.F.K. Survived an Ordeal

On a drizzly August morning, Caroline Kennedy waded into the turquoise waters between two deserted islands in the South Pacific, trying not to scratch [...]
Ireland Readies a Warm Welcome for Biden, ‘the Most Irish’ President Since J.F.K.

Ireland Readies a Warm Welcome for Biden, ‘the Most Irish’ President Since J.F.K.

Ahead of President Biden’s trip to Ireland, the locals of two towns, including several of his relatives, are hoping he’ll return to celebrate their an [...]
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