Tag: Lightning Network

Are Bitcoin Developers Losing Faith in Lightning?

Are Bitcoin Developers Losing Faith in Lightning?

High-profile defections, and ongoing criticism from the community, paints a picture of a much-hyped scaling project running out of steam. But bitcoine [...]
Jack Mallers’ Bitcoin Payments App Strike Expands Services to Africa

Jack Mallers’ Bitcoin Payments App Strike Expands Services to Africa

Strike, developed by the Chicago-based startup Zap, is a mobile payment application similar to Cash App or Venmo but uses blockchain tech to send and [...]
Bitcoin Layer-2 Ecosystem Poised for Growth With ‘Big Four’ of Lightning Network, Stacks, Liquid, Rootstock

Bitcoin Layer-2 Ecosystem Poised for Growth With ‘Big Four’ of Lightning Network, Stacks, Liquid, Rootstock

The projects will need refinement so they don't fall victim to the inherent limitations of the Bitcoin network, according to the authors. One particul [...]
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