Tag: línea

Ethereum’s proto-danksharding to make rollups 10x cheaper — Consensys zkEVM Linea head

Ethereum’s proto-danksharding to make rollups 10x cheaper — Consensys zkEVM Linea head

Zero-knowledge (ZK) proof solutions have proved critical in helping scale the Ethereum ecosystem, but proto-danksharding is expected to drastically re [...]
PancakeSwap DEX Version 3 Goes Live on Ethereum Layer 2 Linea Mainnet

PancakeSwap DEX Version 3 Goes Live on Ethereum Layer 2 Linea Mainnet

PancakeSwap is already available on Ethereum, BNB Chain, Aptos, Polygon zkEVM, zkSync Era and Arbitrum. The deployment follows a successful testnet ph [...]
ConsenSys completes public launch of zkEVM Linea

ConsenSys completes public launch of zkEVM Linea

ConsenSys has completed the launch of its Ethereum scaling rollup Linea, onboarding over 150 partners and bridging more than $26 million in Ether (ETH [...]
DeFi liquidity protocol adds Consensys-developed zkEVM rollup Linea

DeFi liquidity protocol adds Consensys-developed zkEVM rollup Linea

Amid the growing popularity of zero-knowledge (ZK) proof based layer-2 scalable solution, decentralized finance liquidity protocol Symbiosis has added [...]
ConsenSys launches Linea zkEVM to further scale Ethereum

ConsenSys launches Linea zkEVM to further scale Ethereum

The Ethereum ecosystem welcomes another layer-2 scaling solution as ConsenSys begins onboarding partners to its Linea network, which has produced sign [...]
MetaMask Developer ConsenSys Brings Layer 2 Blockchain ‘Linea’ To Ethereum Mainnet

MetaMask Developer ConsenSys Brings Layer 2 Blockchain ‘Linea’ To Ethereum Mainnet

Emphasizing that ConsenSys remains “dedicated to Ethereum,” Liochon said that “by moving over activities to layer 2, we basically are able to increase [...]
ConsenSys Launches zkEVM Public Testnet, Renames It ‘Linea’

ConsenSys Launches zkEVM Public Testnet, Renames It ‘Linea’

The release comes in the days after competitors, Polygon and Matter Labs, came out with their own zkEVMs. www.coindesk.com [...]
BlockFi recibe una línea de crédito de $250 millones por parte de FTX

BlockFi recibe una línea de crédito de $250 millones por parte de FTX

Aunque ahora está en condiciones de respaldar una caída del mercado general, FTX es una de las empresas que liquidó a Celsius, la problemática platafo [...]
Bitcoin cae por debajo de línea de tendencia bajista, con soporte en $35.500

Bitcoin cae por debajo de línea de tendencia bajista, con soporte en $35.500

Los vendedores buscan recuperar el control tras el fracaso de los toros en la resistencia técnica. www.coindesk.com [...]
Bitcoin cae por debajo de línea de tendencia bajista, con soporte en $35.500

Bitcoin cae por debajo de línea de tendencia bajista, con soporte en $35.500

Bitcoin no logró penetrar la resistencia técnica crítica a principios de esta semana y ahora se encuentra frente a un nivel de soporte de $35.500.Read [...]
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