Tag: Living

1 5 6 7 8 9 10 105 / 150 POSTS
Cost of living 'front and centre' of Scottish Labour council campaign

Cost of living 'front and centre' of Scottish Labour council campaign

Getting cash to struggling families will be central to Scottish Labour's council election campaign. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Cost of living: National Insurance rise starts to hit pay packets

Cost of living: National Insurance rise starts to hit pay packets

If a pay rise takes somebody from below £12,570 a year to above, then they will start paying income tax at 20% on the amount above £12,570. A shift in [...]
Starmer on Labour election launch and cost of living policy

Starmer on Labour election launch and cost of living policy

Labour is the only party with a policy to cut the cost of living as household bill as energy costs rise, say the party's leader.Sir Keir Starmer was a [...]
Cost of living: Gordon Brown urges action on extreme poverty

Cost of living: Gordon Brown urges action on extreme poverty

Former PM Gordon Brown demands more help from Rishi Sunak for families pushed into extreme poverty. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Spring Statement: One family's cost of living experience

Spring Statement: One family's cost of living experience

The Fords are a busy family and, like many, they’ve noticed the impact of rising prices. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
What is the UK's inflation rate and why is the cost of living going up?

What is the UK's inflation rate and why is the cost of living going up?

The chancellor is expected to set out plans on how to tackle the soaring cost of living on Wednesday. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Cost of living worries: Unions push further on pay as inflation soars

Cost of living worries: Unions push further on pay as inflation soars

Any pay increase that still falls short of price rises means a cut for workers, a union boss says. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Cost of living: What Tory MPs want from Rishi Sunak

Cost of living: What Tory MPs want from Rishi Sunak

MPs are not short of ideas for the chancellor to help struggling families, but all come at a price. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Ukraine war: Warning Russian oil move will hit UK living costs

Ukraine war: Warning Russian oil move will hit UK living costs

Plans to ban or curb Russian oil and gas imports will further hit UK living standards, analysts say. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Cost of living: Warning UK faces biggest income squeeze in nearly 50 years

Cost of living: Warning UK faces biggest income squeeze in nearly 50 years

The war in Ukraine will lead to an even tighter squeeze on living standards this spring, a think tank says. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Birmingham Erdington by-election: Cost of living on voters' minds

Birmingham Erdington by-election: Cost of living on voters' minds

Downing Street parties and the cost of living are on the minds of by-election voters. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Nicola Sturgeon to unveil plans for living with Covid

Nicola Sturgeon to unveil plans for living with Covid

The first minister wants to "strike the right balance" between normal life and controlling the virus. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Covid: Living with Covid plan will return freedoms, says Boris Johnson

Covid: Living with Covid plan will return freedoms, says Boris Johnson

The legal requirement to self-isolate for a fixed period after testing positive in England has been in place ever since mass testing was rolled out. B [...]
Living costs hit fresh 30-year high as households squeezed

Living costs hit fresh 30-year high as households squeezed

It's largely because growth in productivity (and therefore pay and living standards) has been so historically weak for the last 13 years, that the dec [...]
Cost of living: Most Welsh households to get £150 payments

Cost of living: Most Welsh households to get £150 payments

Plans match rebate scheme in England and also include people who do not pay council tax. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
1 5 6 7 8 9 10 105 / 150 POSTS