Tag: Luján

Gov. Lujan Grisham: ‘I will use every tool in my toolbox’ to block nuclear waste storage in New Mexico

Gov. Lujan Grisham: ‘I will use every tool in my toolbox’ to block nuclear waste storage in New Mexico

Lujan Grisham also signed a law this year that prohibits the issuance of state permits for the construction or operation of a disposal facility for s [...]
Senator Ben Ray Luján Recovering After Suffering Stroke

Senator Ben Ray Luján Recovering After Suffering Stroke

Senator Ben Ray Luján, Democrat of New Mexico, suffered a stroke last week and is expected to make a full recovery, his chief of staff said on Tuesday [...]
Ben Ray Luján wins New Mexico’s Senate race, defeating Mark Ronchetti

Ben Ray Luján wins New Mexico’s Senate race, defeating Mark Ronchetti

Rep. Ben Ray Luján, a Democrat representing New Mexico’s Third Congressional District, defeated Republican Mark Ronchetti to win the Senate seat [...]
Ben Ray Luján is hoping to turn out to be one of the influential Latino senators

Ben Ray Luján is hoping to turn out to be one of the influential Latino senators

When Democratic Sen. Tom Udall determined to not run for a 3rd time period in New Mexico early final 12 months, it opened up a blue-state seat t [...]
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