Tag: maps

1 228 / 28 POSTS
Illinois Democrats Propose New Gerrymandered Congressional Maps

Illinois Democrats Propose New Gerrymandered Congressional Maps

Illinois Democrats on Friday proposed a new set of highly gerrymandered congressional maps that would consolidate Democratic power in the state’s c [...]
Gerrymandering and redistricting, explained: How political parties are trying to redraw congressional maps

Gerrymandering and redistricting, explained: How political parties are trying to redraw congressional maps

Republicans are trying to gerrymander themselves into control of the House of Representatives — and they very well might succeed. A seat in Ten [...]
2 Parties, 2 Maps: Democrats and Republicans Squabble on Redistricting

2 Parties, 2 Maps: Democrats and Republicans Squabble on Redistricting

New York’s new bipartisan redistricting commission got off to an inauspicious start on Wednesday, as its Democratic and Republican members failed t [...]
Election 2021: The 4 key takeaways in maps and charts

Election 2021: The 4 key takeaways in maps and charts

Information journalism by Daniel Dunford, John Walton, Will Dahlgreen, Ed Lowther, Christine Jeavans ,Becky Dale, Maryam Ahmed, Wesley Stephenson [...]
Boulder, Colorado, mass capturing: America’s gun violence charges, in 16 maps and charts

Boulder, Colorado, mass capturing: America’s gun violence charges, in 16 maps and charts

After a mass capturing at a FedEx warehouse in Indianapolis on Thursday, People are as soon as once more confronting the nation’s distinctive re [...]
Boulder, Colorado, capturing: America’s gun downside, in 16 maps and charts

Boulder, Colorado, capturing: America’s gun downside, in 16 maps and charts

After a mass capturing in Boulder, Colorado, on Monday, People are as soon as once more confronting the nation’s distinctive relationship with w [...]
Obamacare’s About to Get a Lot Extra Inexpensive. These Maps Present How.

Obamacare’s About to Get a Lot Extra Inexpensive. These Maps Present How.

Beneath the stimulus invoice handed by Congress this week and set to be signed by President Biden on Friday, almost all those that purchase their v [...]
Biden transition: Beating air pollution with higher maps and knowledge

Biden transition: Beating air pollution with higher maps and knowledge

President-elect Joe Biden campaigned on probably the most formidable environmental justice plan ever provided by the nominee of a significant po [...]
The West Wing’s Electoral School maps are extremely bizarre

The West Wing’s Electoral School maps are extremely bizarre

True followers of Aaron Sorkin’s center-left fantasia The West Wing (a present that has loads of flaws however that additionally makes for magni [...]
Covid-19 in America, defined in 18 maps and charts

Covid-19 in America, defined in 18 maps and charts

It’s now clear america has did not include its Covid-19 epidemic, with case counts far forward of different developed nations and greater than 1 [...]
Your state’s Covid-19 epidemic, defined in four maps

Your state’s Covid-19 epidemic, defined in four maps

The US is now in the course of what can solely be described as a nationwide Covid-19 epidemic, with instances throughout the nation rising at al [...]
Apple Maps driving exercise is slowing once more in warning signal for the economic system

Apple Maps driving exercise is slowing once more in warning signal for the economic system

A view of visitors at rush hour on FDR Drive as New York Metropolis strikes into Part 2 of re-opening following restrictions imposed to curb the co [...]
Election outcomes 2019: Evaluation in maps and charts

Election outcomes 2019: Evaluation in maps and charts

Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Conservatives have a majority of 80 seats. They've [...]
1 228 / 28 POSTS