Tag: McCabe

I.R.S. Asks Inspector General to Review Audits of Comey and McCabe

I.R.S. Asks Inspector General to Review Audits of Comey and McCabe

The I.R.S. said on Thursday that it had asked the inspector general who oversees tax matters to investigate how James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. dire [...]
Comey and McCabe, Two Trump Foes, Both Faced Intensive I.R.S. Audits

Comey and McCabe, Two Trump Foes, Both Faced Intensive I.R.S. Audits

Among tax lawyers, the most invasive type of random audit carried out by the I.R.S. is known, only partly jokingly, as “an autopsy without the benefit [...]
‘I don’t feel free’: McCabe expects to remain Trump target after winning back pension

‘I don’t feel free’: McCabe expects to remain Trump target after winning back pension

McCabe has repeatedly denied deception. He has not faced criminal charges and has said his firing was politically motivated. In an interview with [...]
McCabe Rejects Republican Accusations of F.B.I. Corruption in Russia Inquiry

McCabe Rejects Republican Accusations of F.B.I. Corruption in Russia Inquiry

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans rehashed unproven allegations of corruption and bias on the F.B.I. on Tuesday, attacking the bureau’s former perfor [...]
DOJ drops probe into former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

DOJ drops probe into former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

"We write to tell you that, after cautious consideration, the Authorities has determined to not pursue felony prices in opposition to your sh [...]
Andrew McCabe Escapes Costs Whereas Barr Tightens Management on Flynn Case

Andrew McCabe Escapes Costs Whereas Barr Tightens Management on Flynn Case

WASHINGTON — Whereas Lawyer Normal William P. Barr asserted his independence from the White Home this week, he has additionally been quietly interv [...]
Andrew McCabe, Michael Flynn, and the newest DOJ drama, defined

Andrew McCabe, Michael Flynn, and the newest DOJ drama, defined

For anybody involved that President Donald Trump and Lawyer Normal Invoice Barr are politicizing the felony justice system, Friday afternoon has [...]
Andrew McCabe, Ex-F.B.I. Official, Will Not Be Charged in Mendacity Case

Andrew McCabe, Ex-F.B.I. Official, Will Not Be Charged in Mendacity Case

WASHINGTON — Andrew G. McCabe, the previous deputy F.B.I. director and a frequent goal of President Trump, is not going to face prices in an invest [...]
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