Tag: menacing

Donald Trump’s 2024 Campaign, in His Own Menacing Words

Donald Trump’s 2024 Campaign, in His Own Menacing Words

Trump’s language has become darker, harsher and more threatening during his third run for the White House. www.nytimes.com [...]
Plan to ban ‘menacing’ machetes and zombie knives

Plan to ban ‘menacing’ machetes and zombie knives

This month, a judge urged a jury to write to their MPs about the "shocking" availability of weapons online, after a teenager was found guilty of murde [...]
One Menacing Call After Another: Threats Against Lawmakers Surge

One Menacing Call After Another: Threats Against Lawmakers Surge

WASHINGTON — Early one morning in November 2019, Representative Rodney Davis, Republican of Illinois, received a profanity-laden voice mail message at [...]
Brexit: Mid and East Antrim withdraws employees after ‘menacing behaviour’

Brexit: Mid and East Antrim withdraws employees after ‘menacing behaviour’

In a press release, the council stated there had been an "upsurge in sinister behaviour" in latest weeks, together with graffiti describing port em [...]
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