Tag: Midterms

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Confidence, Anxiety and a Scramble for Votes Two Days Before the Midterms

Confidence, Anxiety and a Scramble for Votes Two Days Before the Midterms

As candidates made their closing arguments on Sunday, Democrats braced for potential losses even in traditionally blue corners of the country while Re [...]
Two Days Before the Midterms, G.O.P. Confidence Clashes With Democratic Anxiety

Two Days Before the Midterms, G.O.P. Confidence Clashes With Democratic Anxiety

As candidates made their closing arguments on Sunday, Democrats braced for potential losses even in traditionally blue corners of the country while Re [...]
Both Parties Seek Advantage in Last Jobs Report Before Midterms

Both Parties Seek Advantage in Last Jobs Report Before Midterms

Republicans seized on a slight uptick in the unemployment rate as they focused their closing message on the economy. Democrats defended ‘steady, susta [...]
At Stake in the US Midterms: The Future of Money

At Stake in the US Midterms: The Future of Money

Whether we like it or not, money is going digital – truly digital, not Zelle- or Venmo-on-banking digital – which means the age-old system through whi [...]
How education issues and “parents’ rights” are shaping the midterms.

How education issues and “parents’ rights” are shaping the midterms.

Education has not dominated national political headlines this midterm cycle and TV ads have focused primarily on inflation, crime, and abortion. Ye [...]
Trump’s Iowa Rally Is About More Than the Midterms

Trump’s Iowa Rally Is About More Than the Midterms

Former President Donald J. Trump is eager to announce a new bid for the White House, and Iowa holds outsize importance. His Thursday night event will [...]
Lawyers Who Advanced Trump’s Election Challenges Return for Midterms

Lawyers Who Advanced Trump’s Election Challenges Return for Midterms

Donald Trump’s push to overturn his 2020 loss was roundly rejected by courts. Now dozens of lawyers who argued the cases are working for Republican ca [...]
38% of US voters will consider candidates’ position on crypto in midterms: Survey

38% of US voters will consider candidates’ position on crypto in midterms: Survey

Roughly a third of eligible voters in the United States will be “considering crypto policy positions” when choosing candidates in the 2022 midterm ele [...]
The Market Usually Rises After the Midterms. Will This Time Be Different?

The Market Usually Rises After the Midterms. Will This Time Be Different?

With worries about the economy rising, the four-year presidential cycle for stocks may not follow the established pattern. www.nytimes.com [...]
An Alternate History of the 2022 Midterms

An Alternate History of the 2022 Midterms

In the campaign’s final days, Democratic strategists are already back-seat driving, second-guessing and what-iffing. www.nytimes.com [...]
More voters trust Republicans on economy as interest in midterms hits high, polls say

More voters trust Republicans on economy as interest in midterms hits high, polls say

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Sunday on MSNBC that she didn’t “subscribe” to the idea that voters don’t trust Democrats on the economy. Repub [...]
As Midterms Near, Biden Warns Republicans Seek to Dismantle Democratic Legislation

As Midterms Near, Biden Warns Republicans Seek to Dismantle Democratic Legislation

The president told MSNBC that G.O.P. lawmakers could undo Democrats’ legislative victories if they regained control of Congress. www.nytimes.com [...]
The 2022 Midterms: Is Wisconsin the Future of America?

The 2022 Midterms: Is Wisconsin the Future of America?

In Wisconsin, aggressive and methodical gerrymandering has allowed Republicans to cement their political power. Can Democrats ever make inroads? www. [...]
Ahead of the Midterms, Energy Lobbyists Plan for a Republican House

Ahead of the Midterms, Energy Lobbyists Plan for a Republican House

The oil and gas industry is already setting priorities for at least partial G.O.P. control in Congress, with a particular focus on undercutting a Bide [...]
Democrats’ Feared Red October Arrives Before the Midterms

Democrats’ Feared Red October Arrives Before the Midterms

Many Democrats hoped it would be a “weird election.” But with Election Day just three weeks away, the midterms aren’t shaping up that way. www.nytime [...]
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