Tag: Militant

Barclay challenged on ‘militant’ tag for striking doctors

Barclay challenged on ‘militant’ tag for striking doctors

The heath secretary said it was "not reasonable" for doctors to not tell the NHS if they planned to strike.Steve Barclay said it was "deeply regrettab [...]
Islamic State Militant Sentenced to 8 Life Terms in Killing of U.S. Hostages

Islamic State Militant Sentenced to 8 Life Terms in Killing of U.S. Hostages

In April, a jury found El Shafee Elsheikh guilty on four counts of hostage-taking and four counts of conspiracy after a two-week trial. www.nytimes.c [...]
Islamic State Militant Sentenced to 8 Life Terms in Killing of U.S. Hostages

Islamic State Militant Sentenced to 8 Life Terms in Killing of U.S. Hostages

In April, a jury found El Shafee Elsheikh guilty on four counts of hostage-taking and four counts of conspiracy after a two-week trial. www.nytimes.c [...]
Islamic State Militant Sentenced to 8 Life Terms in Killing of U.S. Hostages

Islamic State Militant Sentenced to 8 Life Terms in Killing of U.S. Hostages

In April, a jury found El Shafee Elsheikh guilty on four counts of hostage-taking and four counts of conspiracy after a two-week trial. www.nytimes.c [...]
British Militant Convicted for Role in Deaths of Americans

British Militant Convicted for Role in Deaths of Americans

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A federal jury on Thursday convicted a British militant accused of being a member of the brutal Islamic State cell known as the Beat [...]
Antifa, the militant left-wing group Trump hates, defined

Antifa, the militant left-wing group Trump hates, defined

President Donald Trump appears satisfied that there's a scary conspiracy lurking within the protests for racial justice sweeping the nation: tha [...]
Palestinian Militant Group Has Obtained 3,370 Bitcoins in Donations Since 2015: Report

Palestinian Militant Group Has Obtained 3,370 Bitcoins in Donations Since 2015: Report

A Palestinian militant group took thousands and thousands of dollars-worth of bitcoin donations to finance its operations, in accordance with a bra [...]
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