Tag: ministers

1 16 17 18 19 20 270 / 292 POSTS
Coronavirus: Ministers think about NHS contact-tracing app rethink

Coronavirus: Ministers think about NHS contact-tracing app rethink

Issues in regards to the dangers of deploying a go-it-alone UK coronavirus contact [...]
Coronavirus: Drop plan to reopen primaries to all pupils, ministers urged

Coronavirus: Drop plan to reopen primaries to all pupils, ministers urged

Faculty governors need ministers to drop plans for all major pupils in England to [...]
Commons Speaker says ministers 'should do higher' on answering MPs

Commons Speaker says ministers 'should do higher' on answering MPs

Sir Lindsay Hoyle has criticised the way in which by which ministers solutions MPs written questions. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
1 16 17 18 19 20 270 / 292 POSTS