Tag: Modly

Appearing Navy Secretary Modly resigns after bungling Capt. Crozier ouster

Appearing Navy Secretary Modly resigns after bungling Capt. Crozier ouster

The US Navy’s prime civilian official has resigned, the most recent fallout from the continuing controversy surrounding the Navy’s dealing with [...]
Navy Captain Firing: Strain Mounts to Take away Chief Thomas Modly

Navy Captain Firing: Strain Mounts to Take away Chief Thomas Modly

WASHINGTON — Strain mounted Tuesday to take away the performing Navy secretary, presenting a stark alternative for Protection Secretary Mark T. Esp [...]
Strain Mounts to Take away Thomas Modly, Appearing Navy Secretary, for Rebuking Virus-Stricken Service Crew

Strain Mounts to Take away Thomas Modly, Appearing Navy Secretary, for Rebuking Virus-Stricken Service Crew

WASHINGTON — Strain mounted Tuesday to take away the appearing Navy secretary, presenting a stark selection for Protection Secretary Mark T. Esper: [...]
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