Tag: Money Reimagined

Why People Still Think Bitcoin Will Die

Why People Still Think Bitcoin Will Die

But, really, the joke is on us. After all this time, after so many revivals proving the naysayers wrong, and despite a 13-year track record that makes [...]
At Davos, Crypto Pushes Case for Decentralized AI

At Davos, Crypto Pushes Case for Decentralized AI

With Big Tech set to dominate AI, decentralizers made the case for a blockchain governance layer for the next era of the internet. www.coindesk.com [...]
After the ETF: ​​Bitcoin’s Coming Power Struggle

After the ETF: ​​Bitcoin’s Coming Power Struggle

The approval of Bitcoin ETFs last week sets up a potential fight between Bitcoin Maxis and giant Wall Street institutions, says Michael Casey. www.co [...]
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