Tag: MovetoEarn

Move-to-Earn Has a Ponzi Economics Problem

Move-to-Earn Has a Ponzi Economics Problem

Stepn is a cautionary tale for M2E startup founders like me. But I see a better model in Sweatcoin, which leveraged real-life utility to amass over 10 [...]
STEPN to sack 100 staff as players step away from the move-to-earn app

STEPN to sack 100 staff as players step away from the move-to-earn app

The move-to-earn blockchain game has seen a significant drop in its user base and its rewards token has take [...]
Play-to-Earn vs. Move-to-Earn explained

Play-to-Earn vs. Move-to-Earn explained

Examples of move-to-earn games are STEPN, Sweatcoin and MetaGym. As the move-to-earn industry is getting bigger and hotter, it’s time to ma [...]
Blockchain-based move-to-earn app Stepn under DDoS attacks after upgrade

Blockchain-based move-to-earn app Stepn under DDoS attacks after upgrade

Solana-based move-to-earn application Stepn has reported multiple denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks in the aftermath of the platform proceeding with a [...]
Stepn’s ‘Move-to-Earn’ Model Has Crypto Analysts Seeing Value in Long Run

Stepn’s ‘Move-to-Earn’ Model Has Crypto Analysts Seeing Value in Long Run

This blockchain-based application's users must purchase a "virtual sneaker" NFT to earn crypto rewards. Consumer advisory: They start at around $800. [...]
NFT traders STEPN to a new groove — Is move-to-earn the future of fitness or another fad?

NFT traders STEPN to a new groove — Is move-to-earn the future of fitness or another fad?

Axie Infinity was a pioneer of the play-to-earn movement and the project inspired new Web3 applications that aspire to apply the earning model to thei [...]
STEPN move-to-earn tokens GMT, GST hit new highs after Coinbase listing announcement

STEPN move-to-earn tokens GMT, GST hit new highs after Coinbase listing announcement

The native tokens of move-to-earn lifestyle app STEPN swung higher on news that they would be available to trade on Coinbase, a U.S.-based crypto exch [...]
Move-to-earn: An active play-to-earn offshoot

Move-to-earn: An active play-to-earn offshoot

Play-to-earn (P2E) games continue to dominate the crypto industry as more than half of the active wallets tracked by Dappradar have connected to block [...]
STEPN Runners Undeterred by ‘Move-to-Earn’ Game’s Pricey NFT

STEPN Runners Undeterred by ‘Move-to-Earn’ Game’s Pricey NFT

STEPN Runners Undeterred by ‘Move-to-Earn’ Game’s Pricey NFT www.coindesk.com [...]
The First ‘Move-to-Earn’ NFT Game Just Raised $8.3M

The First ‘Move-to-Earn’ NFT Game Just Raised $8.3M

Genopets, a Solana-based non-fungible token (NFT) “move-to-earn” game where players are rewarded for the steps they take in real life, has raised a [...]
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