Tag: Murders

Werner Spitz, Forensic Expert in High-Profile Murders, Dies at 97

Werner Spitz, Forensic Expert in High-Profile Murders, Dies at 97

He figured in the examination of sensational cases involving President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., O.J. Simpson and others. www.nytimes. [...]
Solihull murders: Domestic abuse victims ignored, says MP

Solihull murders: Domestic abuse victims ignored, says MP

Jess Phillips wants a government commitment that police will respond to every report of abuse. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Dozens sentenced to death over murders of U.N. experts in Congo

Dozens sentenced to death over murders of U.N. experts in Congo

A local immigration official was among those given death sentences while an army colonel was given 10 years in prison, said Tresor Kabangu, who repre [...]
Murders are spiking. Police should be part of the solution.

Murders are spiking. Police should be part of the solution.

Last year, the US’s murder rate spiked by almost 30 percent. So far in 2021, murders are up nearly 10 percent in major cities. The 2020 increase [...]
Murders are up. Crime just isn’t. What’s occurring?

Murders are up. Crime just isn’t. What’s occurring?

Final 12 months, the US noticed the most important enhance within the homicide fee in many years. The estimated complete variety of homicides ro [...]
How Black Lives Matter protests might have an effect on police violence and murders

How Black Lives Matter protests might have an effect on police violence and murders

There’s lengthy been a fierce debate in regards to the impact of Black Lives Matter protests on the deadly use of drive by police. A brand new r [...]
2020’s surge in murders, defined in 600 phrases

2020’s surge in murders, defined in 600 phrases

The previous 12 months was a nightmare in some ways for the US, between Covid-19 deaths and the collapsing financial system. However it’s now cl [...]
U.S. Executes Dustin Higgs for Function in 3 1996 Murders

U.S. Executes Dustin Higgs for Function in 3 1996 Murders

However Mr. Higgs was sentenced to loss of life, a punishment that his legal professionals argued was “arbitrary and inequitable” in contrast with [...]
Murders Are Rising. Blaming a Celebration Doesn’t Add Up.

Murders Are Rising. Blaming a Celebration Doesn’t Add Up.

Violent crime is predicted to be addressed through the first presidential debate Tuesday, and President Trump has lengthy attacked “Democrat cities [...]
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