Tag: Navalnys

U.S. Prepares ‘Major Sanctions’ Against Russia Over Navalny’s Death

U.S. Prepares ‘Major Sanctions’ Against Russia Over Navalny’s Death

President Biden has said there is “no doubt” that Vladimir V. Putin’s government was behind the death of the Russian opposition leader. www.nytimes.c [...]
What Russian journalists can study from Navalny’s Bitcoin pockets

What Russian journalists can study from Navalny’s Bitcoin pockets

Alexei Navalny is a famous chief of the Russian opposition. His “Anti-Corruption Basis” (FBK) has been a thorn in President Vladimir Putin’s facet [...]
Mass arrests in Russia of protesters demanding Navalny’s launch

Mass arrests in Russia of protesters demanding Navalny’s launch

On Sunday, police detained greater than 1,000 individuals in protests held in cities throughout Russia’s 11 time zones, in line with the OVD-Data, [...]
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