Tag: nominee

1 3 4 5 6 7 8 75 / 115 POSTS
Senator pressures OCC nominee over missing Marxism thesis from Moscow Uni

Senator pressures OCC nominee over missing Marxism thesis from Moscow Uni

Pat Toomey, a Republican member of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, is attempting to pressure the nominee to head the Office of the Comptroller o [...]
Witness the Rise of the Crypto Nominee

Witness the Rise of the Crypto Nominee

This week, I consider the increasing number of regulatory nominees who bring some familiarity with digital assets to the table, even if their prosp [...]
Korean FSC chair nominee would not suppose crypto is a monetary asset

Korean FSC chair nominee would not suppose crypto is a monetary asset

Seung-beom Koh, a nominee for chairman of South Korea’s Monetary Service Fee (FSC), doesn't regard cryptocurrencies as a monetary asset. In a press [...]
Biden nominee for Treasury Dept will prioritize crypto regulation

Biden nominee for Treasury Dept will prioritize crypto regulation

Brian Nelson, U.S. President Joe Biden’s nominee for underneath secretary for the Division of the Treasury’s division on terrorism and monetary cri [...]
Glenn Youngkin Declares Victory as G.O.P. Nominee for Virginia Governor

Glenn Youngkin Declares Victory as G.O.P. Nominee for Virginia Governor

In an announcement, Mr. McAuliffe in contrast Mr. Youngkin to different Republicans who “fawn throughout Donald Trump” and “totally embrace his exc [...]
South Korean Prime Minister nominee to look into controversial crypto tax regulation

South Korean Prime Minister nominee to look into controversial crypto tax regulation

Kim Boo-kyum, lately nominated as Prime Minister by South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in, has mentioned he'll look into the nation’s crypto tax regu [...]
From Pushing Army Pressure to Main Help Efforts, Biden Nominee Embraces Smooth Energy

From Pushing Army Pressure to Main Help Efforts, Biden Nominee Embraces Smooth Energy

WASHINGTON — Close to the tip of the 2014 documentary “Watchers of the Sky,” which chronicles the origins of the authorized definition of genocide, [...]
New petition asks SEC chair nominee Gary Gensler to drop Ripple lawsuit

New petition asks SEC chair nominee Gary Gensler to drop Ripple lawsuit

The Ripple neighborhood has launched a brand new petition to “cease the battle” on XRP.Crypto & Coverage founder Thomas Hodge has began a Chang [...]
GOP views on the Iran deal would possibly sink Biden Pentagon nominee Kahl’s possibilities

GOP views on the Iran deal would possibly sink Biden Pentagon nominee Kahl’s possibilities

President Joe Biden’s choose to be the third-highest civilian chief on the Pentagon is already dealing with a tricky affirmation problem per we [...]
Deb Haaland, inside secretary nominee, says she’s going to enact ‘Biden’s agenda, not my very own’ on fossil fuels.

Deb Haaland, inside secretary nominee, says she’s going to enact ‘Biden’s agenda, not my very own’ on fossil fuels.

Consultant Deb Haaland of New Mexico, President Biden’s decide to move the Inside Division, sought Tuesday to seek out the road between her previou [...]
Native Individuals Lastly Have a Cupboard Nominee. Will an Adopted Tlingit Take Her Down?

Native Individuals Lastly Have a Cupboard Nominee. Will an Adopted Tlingit Take Her Down?

“They don’t know what it means to be an Indian,” Williams mentioned of those elected officers from his celebration. “An previous Indian proverb wo [...]
Neera Tanden, Biden’s Finances Nominee, Faces Problem to Affirmation

Neera Tanden, Biden’s Finances Nominee, Faces Problem to Affirmation

WASHINGTON — Senator Joe Manchin III introduced on Friday that he would oppose the nomination of Neera Tanden, President Biden’s decide to steer th [...]
Biden’s EPA nominee Michael Regan will inherit a large number after Four years of Trump

Biden’s EPA nominee Michael Regan will inherit a large number after Four years of Trump

Among the many personnel modifications within the transition between the Trump and Biden administrations, one of many starkest shall be who’s on [...]
USDA can steer farm support cash to battle local weather change, Biden ag secretary nominee says

USDA can steer farm support cash to battle local weather change, Biden ag secretary nominee says

The White Home needs to faucet a pool of funds from the U.S. Division of Agriculture's Commodity Credit score Company (CCC) to help on-the-farm eff [...]
1 3 4 5 6 7 8 75 / 115 POSTS