Tag: Ohio

1 5 6 7 8 9 11 105 / 161 POSTS
In Trump’s Shadow, Ohio Republicans Campaign Ahead of Tuesday’s Primary.

In Trump’s Shadow, Ohio Republicans Campaign Ahead of Tuesday’s Primary.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Josh Mandel’s wager was simple: No one would outflank him in mirroring Donald J. Trump, either on hard-right America First positions [...]
Ohio Republicans Embrace the Bombast Ahead of Senate Primary Election

Ohio Republicans Embrace the Bombast Ahead of Senate Primary Election

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Republicans running for the seat of Ohio’s retiring senator, Rob Portman, appear determined to bury the soft-spoken country-club bonh [...]
Trump waded into the Ohio GOP Senate primary. But it’s not all about him.

Trump waded into the Ohio GOP Senate primary. But it’s not all about him.

The Republican primary for Ohio’s open Senate seat has been full of drama as most of the five viable candidates spent months publicly and privately [...]
Labor’s Disenchantment in Ohio Puts Even Democratic Veterans at Risk

Labor’s Disenchantment in Ohio Puts Even Democratic Veterans at Risk

TOLEDO, Ohio — Representative Marcy Kaptur, the blue-collar daughter of this blue-collar city, is on the cusp of a milestone: If elected in November t [...]
Ohio Senate Race Pits Trump and Son Against Big G.O.P. Group

Ohio Senate Race Pits Trump and Son Against Big G.O.P. Group

Not long after Donald J. Trump was elected president, the Club for Growth, a conservative anti-tax group that had opposed his 2016 campaign, reinvente [...]
Ohio Republicans Scramble as Trump Endorsement Hangs Over Senate Race

Ohio Republicans Scramble as Trump Endorsement Hangs Over Senate Race

Mr. Johnson helped circulate a letter, signed by more than three dozen Republican county and state committee leaders, that was addressed to Mr. Trump [...]
Ohio Man Who Blamed Trump for Storming the Capitol Is Found Guilty

Ohio Man Who Blamed Trump for Storming the Capitol Is Found Guilty

An Ohio man who claimed that Donald J. Trump was legally responsible for his decision to break into the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and make off with a b [...]
Bob Gibbs, House Republican Facing Primary Challenge in Ohio, Will Retire

Bob Gibbs, House Republican Facing Primary Challenge in Ohio, Will Retire

Representative Bob Gibbs of Ohio announced on Wednesday that he would not seek re-election, just as early voting got underway in the state. Ohio’s red [...]
G.O.P. Presses for Greater Edge on Florida and Ohio Congressional Maps

G.O.P. Presses for Greater Edge on Florida and Ohio Congressional Maps

With the midterm election cycle fast approaching, Republicans in the key states of Florida and Ohio have made critical progress in their push to add t [...]
Ohio Supreme Court Intensifies a Redistricting Map Standoff

Ohio Supreme Court Intensifies a Redistricting Map Standoff

A bipartisan majority of Ohio Supreme Court justices has ratcheted up an extraordinary legal standoff over the state’s political boundaries, rejecting [...]
Republican in Ohio Senate Primary Spoke Offensively About Asians

Republican in Ohio Senate Primary Spoke Offensively About Asians

Last year, Gibbons praised Trump’s handling of China during an interview with Jewish Insider.“I’ve done large financial transactions all over the worl [...]
Ohio Supreme Court Strikes Down Republican Gerrymander of Map

Ohio Supreme Court Strikes Down Republican Gerrymander of Map

The Ohio Supreme Court struck down a congressional map skewed to favor Republicans on Friday, ruling it was the equivalent of a dealer stacking the de [...]
For a Clue About the 2022 Midterm Elections, Look at 2 Ohio Races

For a Clue About the 2022 Midterm Elections, Look at 2 Ohio Races

While the results of the Virginia election spurred talk that the Democratic Party’s leftward lurch on race and cultural issues might be hurting the [...]
Biden Vaccine Mandate Challenges Moved to Appeals Court in Ohio

Biden Vaccine Mandate Challenges Moved to Appeals Court in Ohio

WASHINGTON — A federal judicial panel on Tuesday assigned the appeals court in Cincinnati to handle at least 34 lawsuits that have been filed aroun [...]
1 5 6 7 8 9 11 105 / 161 POSTS