Tag: Ooki

1 224 / 24 POSTS
Ooki DAO Case So ‘Egregious,’ CFTC Had No Choice, Chair Behnam Says

Ooki DAO Case So ‘Egregious,’ CFTC Had No Choice, Chair Behnam Says

Behnam has been pursuing a much longer reach for his agency in crypto, asking that Congress give it power to oversee the spot market for digital commo [...]
‘Fear’ May be Keeping Ooki DAO From Mounting Defense Against CFTC

‘Fear’ May be Keeping Ooki DAO From Mounting Defense Against CFTC

No one voted the first time an Ooki DAO member tried to gather support for a legal defense effort. Just three people have voted in favor of a second e [...]
CFTC can issue summons through Ooki DAO’s help chat box, says judge

CFTC can issue summons through Ooki DAO’s help chat box, says judge

The United States Commodities Futures Trading Commission can serve members of the Ooki decentralized autonomous organization, or DAO, with summons thr [...]
Court Rules CFTC Legally Served Ooki DAO Through Help Bot

Court Rules CFTC Legally Served Ooki DAO Through Help Bot

"The CFTC should be required to take additional steps to provide notice of this Complaint to the person[s] it alleges have violated the Commodity Exch [...]
Ooki DAO members explore options in response to CFTC lawsuit

Ooki DAO members explore options in response to CFTC lawsuit

Members of the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) called Ooki DAO have started looking into an appropriate response to the charges filed by t [...]
The CFTC Served Ooki DAO Papers By Posting Them in an Online Discussion Forum

The CFTC Served Ooki DAO Papers By Posting Them in an Online Discussion Forum

The lawsuit, announced last week, is the first to be brought against members of a DAO by the CFTC, and could have wide-ranging consequences for DAO re [...]
Interpreting the CFTC’s Lawsuit Against Ooki DAO

Interpreting the CFTC’s Lawsuit Against Ooki DAO

“A key bZeroX objective in transferring control of the bZx Protocol (now the Ooki Protocol) to the bZx DAO (now the Ooki DAO) was to attempt to render [...]
CFTC’s Ooki DAO Action Shatters Illusion of Regulator-Proof Protocol

CFTC’s Ooki DAO Action Shatters Illusion of Regulator-Proof Protocol

While, as Dilendorf pointed out, the action was a “wake-up call” for crypto founders who think a DAO is a shield from regulation, attorneys have also [...]
CTFC slammed for ‘blatant regulation by enforcement’ over Ooki DAO case

CTFC slammed for ‘blatant regulation by enforcement’ over Ooki DAO case

The Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has sparked strong criticism from the community after filing a federal civil enforcement action agai [...]
1 224 / 24 POSTS