Tag: Overpays

Binance Bungles Accounting for Helium Tokens, Overpays Clients Millions

Binance Bungles Accounting for Helium Tokens, Overpays Clients Millions

The Helium network has two tokens, HNT and MOBILE. Binance counted them as one, HNT, resulting in a windfall for customers who deposited the MOBILE. [...]
DeFi Money Market Compound Overpays $15M in COMP Rewards in Possible Exploit — CoinDesk

DeFi Money Market Compound Overpays $15M in COMP Rewards in Possible Exploit — CoinDesk

Compound has a liquidity mining program that rewards depositors and borrowers, but often at a rate of a single-digit APY. The payout sums indicate [...]
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