Tag: PayID

Australian Funds Agency Sues Ripple for Use of PayID Trademark

Australian Funds Agency Sues Ripple for Use of PayID Trademark

NPPA, a significant Australian monetary providers agency, is suing Ripple Labs over allegations of copyright infringement. www.coindesk.com [...]
Ripple faces lawsuit in Australia over ‘PayID’ branding

Ripple faces lawsuit in Australia over ‘PayID’ branding

Ripple is going through a lawsuit from New Funds Platform Australia (NPPA) — a consortium that features each important financial institution in Aus [...]
Ripple, Courageous, and Huobi Be a part of On the spot International Funds Community PayID

Ripple, Courageous, and Huobi Be a part of On the spot International Funds Community PayID

Greater than 40 firms together with Ripple, Courageous and Huobi have joined forces to type the Open Funds Coalition and launch common funds system [...]
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