Tag: Penalties

1 230 / 30 POSTS
Crypto firms may still face SEC penalties for self-reporting securities laws violations: Report

Crypto firms may still face SEC penalties for self-reporting securities laws violations: Report

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s enforcement director has reportedly said cryptocurrency companies will not receive amnesty for reporting [...]
The SEC has issued $2.4B in crypto-related penalties since 2013

The SEC has issued $2.4B in crypto-related penalties since 2013

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has issued a total of approximately $2.35 billion in penalties against participants in the digital asset [...]
Brazil aims to tighten penalties for crypto-related financial crimes

Brazil aims to tighten penalties for crypto-related financial crimes

Brazilian lawmakers are working to provide stricter regulations for cryptocurrency-related crimes, approving a set of new penalties for laundering [...]
IndyRef2: SNP MP requires penalties to resolve independence

IndyRef2: SNP MP requires penalties to resolve independence

An SNP MP has jokingly proposed an "various concept" to interrupt the "impasse" over a second independence referendum in Scotland.Through the remai [...]
The G.O.P. seeks to stiffen penalties for ballot staff throughout the nation.

The G.O.P. seeks to stiffen penalties for ballot staff throughout the nation.

Republican lawmakers in Texas, following within the footsteps of their counterparts throughout the nation, are urgent ahead with a voting invoice t [...]
G.O.P. Pursues Harsher Penalties for Ballot Staff in Voting Crackdown

G.O.P. Pursues Harsher Penalties for Ballot Staff in Voting Crackdown

That perspective has seeped into new voting legal guidelines and payments put ahead by Republican-controlled legislatures throughout the nation. Gr [...]
SEC enforcement actions value crypto companies and people $1.7B in penalties

SEC enforcement actions value crypto companies and people $1.7B in penalties

The US Securities and Trade Fee was one of many prime regulatory enforcers for cryptocurrency tasks within the final seven years, leading to $1.77 [...]
How the G.O.P. Is Creating Harsher Penalties for Protesters

How the G.O.P. Is Creating Harsher Penalties for Protesters

State Senator Shevrin D. Jones, a Democrat from Broward County and a vocal critic of the regulation, famous that Mr. DeSantis had been fast to emph [...]
How the G.O.P. Is Creating Harsher Penalties for Protesters

How the G.O.P. Is Creating Harsher Penalties for Protesters

State Senator Shevrin D. Jones, a Democrat from Broward County and a vocal critic of the regulation, famous that Mr. DeSantis had been fast to emph [...]
Jonathan Van-Tam's finest analogies: Penalties, equalisers & yoghurts

Jonathan Van-Tam's finest analogies: Penalties, equalisers & yoghurts

The deputy chief medical officer's vibrant metaphors have made him a family title. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Bison Trails’ New Software program Might Make Slashing Penalties a Factor of the Previous

Bison Trails’ New Software program Might Make Slashing Penalties a Factor of the Previous

Bison Trails, a Blockchain infrastructure-as-a-service supplier, has created double-signing safety software program, or DSP, which goals to deal wi [...]
SEC, CFTC Hit Crypto App Abra With $300Okay in Penalties Over Unlawful Swaps

SEC, CFTC Hit Crypto App Abra With $300Okay in Penalties Over Unlawful Swaps

Crypto monetary app Abra has settled fees from the Securities and Alternate Fee (SEC) and Commodity Futures Buying and selling Fee (CFTC) regarding [...]
Coronavirus: UK quarantine plans and £1,000 penalties confirmed

Coronavirus: UK quarantine plans and £1,000 penalties confirmed

Media playback is unsupported in your gadget Media captionDwelling Secretary Priti Patel: 'We are actually ext [...]
Providing Iran Penalties and Support, U.S. Ramps Up Sanctions Whereas Providing Medication

Providing Iran Penalties and Support, U.S. Ramps Up Sanctions Whereas Providing Medication

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Thursday piled new financial sanctions onto its ever-growing stress marketing campaign in opposition to Ir [...]
1 230 / 30 POSTS