Tag: perceived

US lawmakers target perceived risks of crypto adoption in El Salvador with reintroduced bill

US lawmakers target perceived risks of crypto adoption in El Salvador with reintroduced bill

Two United States Senators from opposite sides of the political aisle have reintroduced legislation from 2022 aimed at mitigating perceived risks pose [...]
Sega will likely not introduce NFTs for play-to-earn if ‘perceived as simple money-making’

Sega will likely not introduce NFTs for play-to-earn if ‘perceived as simple money-making’

The leadership at video game firm Sega Corporation’s holding company has suggested that they may avoid nonfungible tokens in play-to-earn model gam [...]
Perceived centralization might kill PoS networks: ShapeShift report

Perceived centralization might kill PoS networks: ShapeShift report

A brand new report means that Cosmos, Polkadot and NEAR might fail to take off if they're perceived to have a difficulty with centralization — as t [...]
Why Bitcoin is a perceived risk to the US greenback

Why Bitcoin is a perceived risk to the US greenback

Posted by: Bitcoin News Editor in Bitcoin News Wire 1 min in the past The US greenback has been the world’s official reserve foreign money [...]
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