Tag: polarization

Think polarization is bad now? Wait till the post-Roe abortion wars get started.

Think polarization is bad now? Wait till the post-Roe abortion wars get started.

In his decision overturning Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, Justice Samuel Alito argues that the rulings that had protected abortion r [...]
Radical to the right, ‘boot-licker’ to the left. Kansas City mayor on America’s polarization.

Radical to the right, ‘boot-licker’ to the left. Kansas City mayor on America’s polarization.

What challenges do you face working in a weak mayoral system? Policing in particular is an area where you frankly need that strong position and that [...]
How political polarization broke America’s vaccine marketing campaign

How political polarization broke America’s vaccine marketing campaign

The Covid-19 epidemic in the US dangers turning into a story of “two Americas,” as Anthony Fauci warned in June: a nation the place areas with i [...]
Breyer Worries Retiring Might Add to Polarization. Would It?

Breyer Worries Retiring Might Add to Polarization. Would It?

“You used to have a justice like Stevens or Souter,” he stated, referring to Justices John Paul Stevens and David H. Souter, “who have been moderat [...]
David French and Ezra Klein debate polarization, secession, and the filibuster 

David French and Ezra Klein debate polarization, secession, and the filibuster 

David French is a senior editor on the Dispatch, a columnist at Time, and one of many conservative commentators I learn most intently. French an [...]
Justin Amash Abandons 2020 Marketing campaign, Citing Pandemic and Polarization

Justin Amash Abandons 2020 Marketing campaign, Citing Pandemic and Polarization

Consultant Justin Amash of Michigan introduced on Saturday that he wouldn't pursue the Libertarian Social gathering’s nomination for president, bri [...]
Ta-Nehisi Coates on race, racism and polarization

Ta-Nehisi Coates on race, racism and polarization

This episode of The Ezra Klein Show was a pleasure. Ta-Nehisi Coates joined me in Brooklyn for a part of the Why We’re Polarized tour. His descr [...]
What polarization knowledge from 9 nations reveals concerning the US

What polarization knowledge from 9 nations reveals concerning the US

My e-book on US political polarization is about to publish (preorder here!), which suggests I’ve begun getting numerous questions on polarizatio [...]
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