Tag: ProofofStake

1 2 3 4 45 / 52 POSTS
Inside the blockchain developer’s mind: Proof-of-stake blockchain consensus

Inside the blockchain developer’s mind: Proof-of-stake blockchain consensus

Cointelegraph is following the development of an entirely new blockchain from inception to mainnet and beyond through its series Inside the Blockch [...]
ZEC price jumps 20% in one day as Zcash devs unveil transition to Proof-of-Stake

ZEC price jumps 20% in one day as Zcash devs unveil transition to Proof-of-Stake

Zcash (ZEC) surged by nearly 20% in the past 24 hours, helped by the euphoria surrounding its core protocol's decisive transition from Proof-of-Wor [...]
Ethereum’s Latest Progress Toward Proof-of-Stake — CoinDesk

Ethereum’s Latest Progress Toward Proof-of-Stake — CoinDesk

Unfortunately, getting rid of miners does not get rid of MEV, and users of the proof-of-stake network will still be subject to the whims of transac [...]
What Is Proof-of-Stake?

What Is Proof-of-Stake?

Proof-of-stake is a method of maintaining the integrity of a cryptocurrency, preventing users from printing extra coins they didn’t earn. While a d [...]
Vitalik argues that proof-of-stake is a ‘answer’ to Ethereum’s environmental woes

Vitalik argues that proof-of-stake is a ‘answer’ to Ethereum’s environmental woes

At a convention yesterday, Ethereum co-founder and unofficial figurehead Vitalik Buterin argued that Ethereum’s upcoming transition to a proof-of-s [...]
US Library of Congress report highlights proof-of-stake tax blindspot

US Library of Congress report highlights proof-of-stake tax blindspot

Republican Consultant Tom Emmer has referred to as for extra exact tax pointers concerning cryptocurrency earnings, after a report he commissioned [...]
What Is Proof-of-Stake? – CoinDesk

What Is Proof-of-Stake? – CoinDesk

Proof-of-stake is a technique of sustaining the integrity of a cryptocurrency, stopping customers from printing further cash they didn’t earn. Wher [...]
Tim Ogilvie: Proof-of-Stake Was Larger Than Eth 2.Zero in 2020

Tim Ogilvie: Proof-of-Stake Was Larger Than Eth 2.Zero in 2020

In only a single 12 months, staking has gone from an instructional train to a dominant drive in crypto. The largest staking story of 2020 is, after [...]
Validator Vote Transitions NEAR Protocol to Proof-of-Stake Mainnet

Validator Vote Transitions NEAR Protocol to Proof-of-Stake Mainnet

Decentralized utility blockchain NEAR Protocol is reside following a 6-month launch road-map begun in Might, in response to the developer crew.The [...]
Swisscom Blockchain Wins Grant From Web3 to Assist Toughen Polkadot’s Proof-of-Stake Community

Swisscom Blockchain Wins Grant From Web3 to Assist Toughen Polkadot’s Proof-of-Stake Community

Swisscom Blockchain, a distributed ledger expertise startup owned by telco large Swisscom, has been awarded a grant from the Web3 Basis to construc [...]
The Problem of Taxing Proof-of-Stake

The Problem of Taxing Proof-of-Stake

Whereas being a comparatively younger correction to energy-intensive proof-of-work (PoW) community validation, proof-of-stake has existed in concep [...]
US Lawmakers Do not Need Proof-of-Stake Networks to Get Overtaxed

US Lawmakers Do not Need Proof-of-Stake Networks to Get Overtaxed

Crypto holders incomes new tokens by staking their cash is perhaps susceptible to being overtaxed, imagine a number of members of Congress. 4 lawma [...]
Cardano Introduces Proof-of-Stake With ‘Shelley’ Arduous Fork

Cardano Introduces Proof-of-Stake With ‘Shelley’ Arduous Fork

It is alive! Cardano has efficiently arduous forked to its main improve, Shelly, which launched proof-of-stake to the community www.coindesk.com [...]
Proof-of-Stake Chains Group As much as Show DeFi Is Larger Than Ethereum

Proof-of-Stake Chains Group As much as Show DeFi Is Larger Than Ethereum

Liquidity mining is coming to proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchains. Anchor, the brand new decentralized finance (DeFi) platform from Terra, Cosmos, Web [...]
We Underestimated How Lengthy Proof-of-Stake and Sharding Would Take to Full

We Underestimated How Lengthy Proof-of-Stake and Sharding Would Take to Full

The Hashing It Out podcast not too long ago hosted Ethereum co-founder, Vitalik Buterin. In the course of the present, he defined how he would deal [...]
1 2 3 4 45 / 52 POSTS