Tag: Protocol

1 5 6 7 8 9 59 105 / 884 POSTS
Coinbase, Framework Venture Funds Invest $5M in Socket Protocol, in Bet on Blockchain Interoperability

Coinbase, Framework Venture Funds Invest $5M in Socket Protocol, in Bet on Blockchain Interoperability

The fundraise comes as interoperability protocols have attracted investors, despite the bear market. www.coindesk.com [...]
Paris Hilton, a16z back IP ownership network Story Protocol

Paris Hilton, a16z back IP ownership network Story Protocol

The new blockchain-based IP ownership network Story Protocol closed a $54 million funding round on Sept. 7, which included investments from big names [...]
Anoma Foundation Plans Native Blockchain for Privacy-Focused Namada Protocol

Anoma Foundation Plans Native Blockchain for Privacy-Focused Namada Protocol

“The lack of privacy in crypto is becoming an existentially threatening centralization point,” said Awa Sun Yin, co-founder of Namada, during a KBW pa [...]
Balancer protocol exploited for $900K as DeFi hacks mount: Finance Redefined

Balancer protocol exploited for $900K as DeFi hacks mount: Finance Redefined

Welcome to Finance Redefined, your weekly dose of essential decentralized finance (DeFi) insights — a newsletter crafted to bring you the most signifi [...]
MakerDAO’s DAI Stablecoin Surpasses $5B on Higher Yield, Lifting DeFi Lender Spark Protocol

MakerDAO’s DAI Stablecoin Surpasses $5B on Higher Yield, Lifting DeFi Lender Spark Protocol

The extra payout has drastically bitten into Maker’s profits, Kunal Goel, analyst at Messari noted in a report. “Higher rates on higher deposits ballo [...]
BNB Chain Exploiter Liquidated for $30M on Venus Protocol

BNB Chain Exploiter Liquidated for $30M on Venus Protocol

“As market is very volatile, there is a potential risk that if liquidated, this large portion of BNB may cause more cascading liquidations effect and [...]
Curve (CRV) Crisis Averted, NFT Loans Protocol Now Votes on Next Steps

Curve (CRV) Crisis Averted, NFT Loans Protocol Now Votes on Next Steps

Called option D, it would see pETH price speculators and yield farmers who did not deposit into Curve via JPEG’d in-house service, called Citadel, get [...]
Cypher Protocol reveals $600K of stolen funds is now frozen on CEXs

Cypher Protocol reveals $600K of stolen funds is now frozen on CEXs

Solana-based decentralized futures exchange Cypher Protocol has managed to freeze $600,000 worth of crypto stolen from an Aug. 7 security exploit.In a [...]
Ethereum ‘Restaking’ Via EigenLayer Protocol Takes Shape as Next Big Trend in Blockchain Security

Ethereum ‘Restaking’ Via EigenLayer Protocol Takes Shape as Next Big Trend in Blockchain Security

Within the first day, its limit for stETH and rETH – Lido and RocketPool’s liquid staking tokens – was reached, with cbETH, Coinbase’s staked ETH, hit [...]
Zunami Protocol confirms stablecoin pools attacked, $2.1M loss estimated

Zunami Protocol confirms stablecoin pools attacked, $2.1M loss estimated

Decentralized finance protocol Zunami Protocol has confirmed it has encountered an attack on its “zStables” stablecoin pools.Blockchain security firm [...]
Aave’s Earning Farm protocol targeted by reentrancy attack — PeckShield

Aave’s Earning Farm protocol targeted by reentrancy attack — PeckShield

Blockchain security firm PeckShield revealed fresh vulnerabilities targeting decentralized finance (DeFi) projects on Aug. 9. According to the firm, A [...]
SteadeFi Crypto Protocol Lost $334,000 Of Funds To A Hacker

SteadeFi Crypto Protocol Lost $334,000 Of Funds To A Hacker

The DeFi application Steadefi fell victim to a hacking incident resulting to a loss of $334,000 worth of funds on August 7th. The Steadefi team confir [...]
Cypher Protocol freezes smart contract after an estimated $1M exploit

Cypher Protocol freezes smart contract after an estimated $1M exploit

Solana-based decentralized futures exchange Cypher Protocol halted its smart contract after an estimated $1 million exploit.On Aug. 7, Cypher alerted [...]
Solana-Based Cypher Protocol Experiences Exploit, Freezes Smart Contract

Solana-Based Cypher Protocol Experiences Exploit, Freezes Smart Contract

The protocol’s contracts are now frozen as contributors attempt to make contact with hackers to negotiate a return of funds. www.coindesk.com [...]
1 5 6 7 8 9 59 105 / 884 POSTS