Tag: Qoin

Australian Court Hands Win to Market Regulator in Case Against Qoin Blockchain, But There is a Catch

Australian Court Hands Win to Market Regulator in Case Against Qoin Blockchain, But There is a Catch

"Contrary to ASIC’s submissions, the Qoin Blockchain, a means of acquiring Qoin and a means whereby business operators who hold Qoin Wallets can regis [...]
Australian Markets Regulator Sues Promoter of Crypto Token Qoin

Australian Markets Regulator Sues Promoter of Crypto Token Qoin

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) said the advertisements made "false, misleading or deceptive representations" that consume [...]
Aussie firm to launch $100M class action over dodgy QOIN token

Aussie firm to launch $100M class action over dodgy QOIN token

The issuer of a controversial cryptocurrency that can only be sold in batches of $125 daily on a single exchange is facing pushback from an Austral [...]
Blockchain Australia ousts retail service provider crypto venture Qoin

Blockchain Australia ousts retail service provider crypto venture Qoin

Blockchain Australia — the business physique for the novel tech within the nation — has expelled Qoin, a retail service provider crypto venture pri [...]
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