Tag: qualification

Advanced British Standard: A-level and T-levels incorporated into new qualification

Advanced British Standard: A-level and T-levels incorporated into new qualification

The prime minister wants more students to study maths and English until the age of 18. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
T-levels: Calls to preserve BTecs despite new qualification

T-levels: Calls to preserve BTecs despite new qualification

On Monday 18 July, MPs are debating a public petition not to withdraw funding for BTec qualifications.Campaigners are calling on the government to rev [...]
Winklevoss’ Gemini Cryptocurrency Change Scores One other Safety Qualification

Winklevoss’ Gemini Cryptocurrency Change Scores One other Safety Qualification

The Winklevoss brothers' Gemini cryptocurrency custodian and trade has obtained a brand new safety qualification, SOC 1 Sort 1.In line with an Apri [...]
The one qualification the following director-general of the BBC wants

The one qualification the following director-general of the BBC wants

There's one qualification which must be important for Tony Corridor’s alternative as director-general of the BBC, however you possibly can wager y [...]
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