Tag: Railgun

Privacy Project Railgun DAO Adopts Chainway’s ‘Proof of Innocence’ Tool

Privacy Project Railgun DAO Adopts Chainway’s ‘Proof of Innocence’ Tool

The new functionality on Railgun allows users “to create a proof that their transactions are from a list of transactions that have not interacted with [...]
DeFi Privacy Protocol Railgun Launches Protected Mobile Wallet App

DeFi Privacy Protocol Railgun Launches Protected Mobile Wallet App

As a layer 1 application, Railway Wallet will take advantage of security features provided by the Ethereum blockchain’s main network, in addition to u [...]
Railgun Aims for Private DeFi With $10M Backing From DCG

Railgun Aims for Private DeFi With $10M Backing From DCG

“Through a collection of smart contracts that verify zero-knowledge proofs, the Railgun team has built a privacy system directly on Ethereum and other [...]
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