Tag: Randomness

Court-ordered NFTs and the importance of Web3 randomness: Nifty Newsletter

Court-ordered NFTs and the importance of Web3 randomness: Nifty Newsletter

​​Welcome to the latest edition of Cointelegraph’s Nifty Newsletter. Keep reading to stay up-to-date with the latest stories on nonfungible tokens. Ev [...]
Games need decentralized randomness to be fair

Games need decentralized randomness to be fair

Quantum mechanics tells us that what looks like a highly predictable and orderly universe is built on a world of unpredictability and mere probability [...]
Chainlink brings Verifiable Randomness to Ethereum mainnet, retains different chains in sight

Chainlink brings Verifiable Randomness to Ethereum mainnet, retains different chains in sight

Chainlink’s verifiable randomness operate, or VRF, has made its technique to the Ethereum (ETH) primary internet. VRF will present a decentralized [...]
‘DogByte’ Assault Present in ‘Randomness’ Protocol Proof for Ethereum 2.zero Beacon Chain

‘DogByte’ Assault Present in ‘Randomness’ Protocol Proof for Ethereum 2.zero Beacon Chain

The “DogByte” assault would have allowed attackers to cheat the Ethereum 2.zero random beacon chain by gaming good contracts and block validator ch [...]
David Dias: The Significance of Randomness within the Web Age

David Dias: The Significance of Randomness within the Web Age

David Dias is a analysis engineer at Protocol Labs. He makes a speciality of peer-to-peer networking and distributed programs. Electrical energy, w [...]
How a Decentralized Randomness Beacon May Increase Cryptographic Safety

How a Decentralized Randomness Beacon May Increase Cryptographic Safety

The League of Entropy is launching the primary production-ready model of drand, a community that produces "randomness" (often known as entropy) for [...]
Future Lotteries Might Profit From ETH 2.0’s Randomness

Future Lotteries Might Profit From ETH 2.0’s Randomness

Discussing Ethereum’s (ETH) hackathon in partnership with the Colorado State Lottery, Vitalik Buterin opined that sooner or later, such lotteries m [...]
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