Tag: Rococo

Polkadot strikes in direction of sharding as Acala Community secures first Rococo parachain slot

Polkadot strikes in direction of sharding as Acala Community secures first Rococo parachain slot

The Polkadot ecosystem continues to progress, with DeFi platform Acala Community changing into the primary to win a parachain slot on the Rococo te [...]
Polkadot Releases Rococo, Its Take a look at Atmosphere for Interoperable ‘Parachains’

Polkadot Releases Rococo, Its Take a look at Atmosphere for Interoperable ‘Parachains’

Parity Applied sciences’ Polkadot has launched a testnet, Rococo, of the protocol’s first parachain specification, in line with a weblog Thursday. [...]
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