Tag: servant

1 2 3 15 / 34 POSTS
Covid inquiry: Top civil servant Simon Case giving evidence after delayed appearance

Covid inquiry: Top civil servant Simon Case giving evidence after delayed appearance

Simon Case is the head of the civil service, which makes him probably the most important unelected person in politics.The cabinet secretary’s role is [...]
Top civil servant apologises for ‘raw’ Covid messages

Top civil servant apologises for ‘raw’ Covid messages

Messages criticising Boris Johnson and Downing Street colleagues were "raw, in-the-moment" expressions and not the reality of the government's pandemi [...]
Top civil servant and MI6 boss quit all-male club

Top civil servant and MI6 boss quit all-male club

Simon Case and Richard Moore resign from the Garrick Club after a backlash over membership. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Top civil servant Simon Case asked why he is member of all-male club

Top civil servant Simon Case asked why he is member of all-male club

The head of the Civil Service has been asked how he squares his plans for "inclusiveness" with being a member of the all-male Garrick Club. Appearing [...]
UK's top civil servant takes medical leave

UK's top civil servant takes medical leave

Simon Case, who will be off work for a few weeks, had been expected to appear at the Covid inquiry. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Rochford: Civil servant apologises to school over asbestos

Rochford: Civil servant apologises to school over asbestos

Susan Acland-Hood says she's sorry for the disruption at the secondary school in Rochford. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Calling us the Blob is insulting, says top civil servant

Calling us the Blob is insulting, says top civil servant

Simon Case says the term - used mainly by Tory MPs - is "dehumanising" and "insulting" to officials. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Simon Case: Top civil servant among officials named in discrimination claim

Simon Case: Top civil servant among officials named in discrimination claim

The existence of the case came to light after Cabinet Secretary Mr Case and two of the other named officials - Alex Chisolm, the permanent secretary i [...]
Dominic Raab: Second senior civil servant gives evidence to bullying probe

Dominic Raab: Second senior civil servant gives evidence to bullying probe

Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab is under investigation after being accused of bullying. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Dominic Raab: Senior civil servant gives evidence to bullying probe

Dominic Raab: Senior civil servant gives evidence to bullying probe

The bullying inquiry has now taken evidence from figures who have served at the top of government. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
£1,120 for civil servant pottery classes, revealed by data

£1,120 for civil servant pottery classes, revealed by data

Labour says the disclosure, in a document naming civil servants, constitutes a data breach. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Chris Pincher: No 10 not telling the truth, says ex-senior civil servant

Chris Pincher: No 10 not telling the truth, says ex-senior civil servant

Boris Johnson was "briefed in person" about an inquiry into Chris Pincher's behaviour, says ex-Foreign Office civil servant. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Officials have stood down over Partygate, says top civil servant

Officials have stood down over Partygate, says top civil servant

Top civil servant Simon Case says a disciplinary process over Covid rule-breaking is ongoing. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Top civil servant Simon Case discussed charity roles for Carrie Johnson

Top civil servant Simon Case discussed charity roles for Carrie Johnson

Simon Case says he had an "informal" talk about Carrie Johnson working with a royal foundation. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Government relocates 1,800 civil servant jobs to Manchester

Government relocates 1,800 civil servant jobs to Manchester

A new hub will house 2,500 civil servants including 700 roles which have already moved from London. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
1 2 3 15 / 34 POSTS