Tag: Shelton

Senator Thune says the timing on votes for Trump's Fed nominee Shelton is fluid – ForexLive

Senator Thune says the timing on votes for Trump's Fed nominee Shelton is fluid – ForexLive

Senator Thune says the timing on votes for Trump's Fed nominee Shelton is fluid  ForexLive www.forexlive.com [...]
Who’s Judy Shelton? Trump’s controversial Fed nominee, defined

Who’s Judy Shelton? Trump’s controversial Fed nominee, defined

Again in 2017, Judy Shelton mentioned she would “love” to be chair of the Federal Reserve however acknowledged it was unlikely given she was “ [...]
Senator Collins says will vote NO for Judy Shelton FOMC nomination – ForexLive

Senator Collins says will vote NO for Judy Shelton FOMC nomination – ForexLive

Senator Collins says will vote NO for Judy Shelton FOMC nomination  ForexLive www.forexlive.com [...]
US Senate panel advances Judy Shelton nomination for Fed board – ForexLive

US Senate panel advances Judy Shelton nomination for Fed board – ForexLive

US Senate panel advances Judy Shelton nomination for Fed board  ForexLive www.forexlive.com [...]
Trump’s Fed Nominee Judy Shelton Says US Ought to Be Proactive on Digital Greenback

Trump’s Fed Nominee Judy Shelton Says US Ought to Be Proactive on Digital Greenback

Judy Shelton, President Trump’s nominee to the Federal Reserve Board, informed lawmakers that digitizing the U.S. greenback may assist keep the for [...]
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